Whispers in the Dark - A Buffy MUX looking for help
Thought I'd give an update for those following.
I didn't receive any negative feedback on the grid so I'm going to look leave it as it is and work on expanding it with hangouts.
I'm also going to flesh out the families of Sleepy Hollow and start working on what we'll be looking for when we open. Established members of the family and what not. Once I get to that point I'll likely move from "open house" to a "soft opening" for those people looking to help flesh out the families and the town.
The open house is ongoing so anyone interested should feel free to stop by and take a look around. All thoughts and opinions are welcome!
Ok, so we've hit a spot where every time I think I've fixed something I find out 3 more things are broken. That said...I think I'm just about done. Over the weekend I'm planning on doing a major update to part of character generation that I think will take care of the last lingering issues. At least the last of the issues that I think could break the game. Then we'll be able to move forward.
If I get everything done I'm looking to get done tomorrow I'll post a "soft open" advertisement. If it doesn't get done until Saturday I'll probably hold off till Sunday night as Sunday is my TT day. Either way I think we're closing in on an actual opening so...yay!
Ok, the update I wanted to do to character generation is complete. I'm sure it's not bug free but I think I've got the code to a point where I can fix any bugs that do crop up now fairly quickly. I'm still adding onto the grid but that will likely be an ongoing process. I'm also still trying to flesh out the families but I'm thinking I'll wait till we get some players on and let them decide how things move forward in that regard.
So...with all that said I think I'm comfortable moving from an "open house" stage to a sort of "soft opening". Soft in the regards that people know that right now I'm the only staffer, things may be slowish going at first, and bugs will very likely be discovered in the code. But I would consider us open for full applications and RP at the address below.
Site: muxmadness.com
Port: 2014
Edited to fix address. -
I am unable to log in! Host was not found, verify the address, it tells me. TEASE!
Sorry it's muxmadness.com not org. I'm too use to doing things for my work (which is a .org). Updated and fixed.
Well today was a productive day. We got some new players, some of these players helped me squash some newly found bugs, some of these squashed bugs inadvertently prettied up the +sheet. We also have a family head being apped who is looking to start some Van Tassel drama in the near future. We're off to a slow start but we're off to a start and I'm pretty happy with it.
For those wondering Whispers in the Dark takes place in modern day treating the events of the show as if they happened with the show aired so it's been over a decade since Buffy and Angel were really last seen. We don't use any of the comics as canon, just the two television shows.
IS all the information on the game found in game? Because muxmadness.com does not give anything about the game.
Yeah, muxmadness is generic because I host a number of games there. Our wiki can be found here though http://whispersinthedark.wikidot.com/.
I will be playing here, if anybody wants to make characters with me. BUFFY. I have been waiting for a while.
So it has been brought to my attention that wikidot is stupid with ads. I've been spoiled by AdBlock and never see any of them so I thought it was a nice clean site. I'm in the process of scrapping up the money to register a domain for Whispers and get it hosted with its own wiki. So, if all goes as planned, it should have its own ad free wiki in the near future.
You see no ads if you have an account (any account anywhere, you don't need to be a member of a particular site) and are logged in. If you log out (and I guess don't have Adblock enabled, but idk since that's not a program I use) you'll see what it looks like. To me, this is not a horrific atrocity, but my definition of horrific differs from many of my fellow players, I have realized, so ymmv.
I think you probably know what you're about, but I'd just like to suggest that digitalocean.com has a pretty quick and painless setup for a small wiki virtual server for 5 bucks a month. It features in a large part of a tutorial I did here.
I'm curious as to why you feel combat stats need regulation? I'm not familiar with the unisystem, so pardon my ignorance
Mostly because I had more than a few apps (or conversations about apps) that involved Dexterity 8 + multiple other combat stats at 5+ with little to no points put into other skills. There's been an odd drive of "I must be the biggest combat monster evar!" that I was not expecting.
Also, in the Buffy RPG the combat system is driven so much towards the Dex attribute that it is probably broken. As such I've had several apps (or app convos) that involved putting few points in other attributes but pumping Dexterity up to 8 or 9.
The limits I've put on the combat stats are still very liberal and allow for characters with a focus on combat it just requires them to also think about other aspects of their characters existence (I hope).
Hope that helps explain things!
Mildly curious. Been ages since I saw a single episode of Buffy, I was more of an Angel fan...
Are most people playing slayers, or what?
@ZombieGenesis said:
Also, in the Buffy RPG the combat system is driven so much towards the Dex attribute that it is probably broken. As such I've had several apps (or app convos) that involved putting few points in other attributes but pumping Dexterity up to 8 or 9.
"Probably" is being generous. It's absolutely broken. The difference that having higher DEX makes (better initiative, better defensive ability, better offensive ability, and extra actions) gets ridiculous.
I would legit make DEX cost twice as much as any other Attribute, at least with the Enhanced Attribute Quality.
@Tempest said:
Mildly curious. Been ages since I saw a single episode of Buffy, I was more of an Angel fan...
Are most people playing slayers, or what?
I only know of one so far. Probably another one or two, but most folks I know are going with occult buffs or psychics or demons.
Surprisingly there has been little to no interest in Slayers. Everyone wants to be a genius, art master, sorcerer for some reason.
Ah, does sound like Skaters become less appealing when dex is capped at peak human. Sounds like the system has major issues. Gotta say it's sounding like I'd go for occultist or scientist, keep combat out of the concept.
*swears at his spellchecker checker and points out skaters=slayers.