SW: Dawn of the Jedi - Modified d20 Saga (Pre Old Republic Era)
I'm not staff or associated with the game - just your average Star Wars nerd. If I remember, though, there was no 'falling' in this period - all aspects of the Force were allowable to be studied, with a preference towards a balanced view. If you started showing too much of a preference towards one side or another, you were put in detention on the moon opposing whatever side you were leaning towards to meditate and get back into synch. I never got that there was some sort of horror or taboo against any kind of study though.
@Arkandel the idea of an imbalanced force using group on or near Tython could cause the whole planet to become deadly with force storms, so they tend to try to exile Imbalanced users.
When Xesh crash landed they had to incapacitate him to stop the planet from taking itself out, more or less. So those force using groups who weren’t balanced would have to distance themselves from the Je’daii Order if they existed.
Added trade commodities to item system. It’ll play a much larger roll in the game then saga system assumes. Drafting a cargo hold system for space system. Drafting a item creation system for inventory system using trade commodities and expanded knowledge skill specs.
Added a disadvantage/flaw aspect to the character sheet/system. Contemplating and background/advantage system to compliment it, but haven’t decided. Feel like feats and talents already count as advantages/backgrounds. Will probably just make a “background” talent tree similar to nobles instead.
@Grindle Just a note (that you probably already know): the Saga Edition system has a Background system already. It's in the Rebellion Era book and is a replacement for the Destiny Point system.
It would be more like WoD, in terms of flaws/disadvantages/backgrounds if I were to do anything beyond flaws. I felt like sagas always been about min-maxing. Not nearly enough self-handicapping. Things like being able to use the force, but having a weak connection isn’t really represented unless you have a low charisma. Doesn’t always make sense. Weak in the force is now a thing. Offering a tier’d Selection from 2-5. I figure a max of 5-7 points of flaws, offering a small xp boost. Doesn’t really tip the balance of leveling, and it’s a one time only thing.
Just an update, I've been busy at work coding. Been working on the Economy/Planetary/Military Systems. Still a bit off, but getting close. Still looking for other people to help with theme, writing, descriptions, and others coders if available.
Game is still in development. Working with a writer to develop theme files. Also, taking some bootcamp courses in a few different real programming languages as it's looking like most of the coding is falling on my hands and softcode isn't going to do what I want in the long run, thankfully RhostMUSH accepts all programming languages.
I have decided to revive this project in light of the Tython system being brought into Canon for the Mandalorian.
I am basically ready for beta players, theme staff, rp staff and writers. I've got all of my ideas fleshed out and will be introducing my changes later on in newer versions. I've decided to finish Dahan's space system in C#, and eventually try to integrate it as well as Rhost into Unreal Engine for things like GUI's. This is a long term goal, but it is my goal.
If anyone is interested in lending a hand, please hit me up here, or on Discord (Gnome#4239), or on the game. I personally don't have time to handle things like running scenes, so i'm basically offering up an entire game ready to go to someone who thinks they have the ability to manage a large scale MU* that has a tabletop focus. I am capable of handling theme disputes, but I need to be able to focus on code.
I don't really need help with code, but if you would like to lend a hand in code as well, I wouldn't mind. Any language will do. Thanks!
Galaxy.silvren.com 2451
@gnome Well. That was an anticlimactic depiction of Tython, so.. I'm sticking with EU lore lol
In the very early stages of coding a fresh SW5E (sw5e.com) version of this game, still supporting this system and theme until the switch over. Had a few inquiries but could still use theme and writing help.