May 4, 2018, 4:36 PM
  1. Name: Write a poem or short story using your name in some way or form.

It only seems like magic. In truth, it is the ultimate science. As the saying goes, if it is advanced enough... Take the waves created by a voice. They move through the air, breath translated through vocal chord vibrations into sound. They are pushing the world around us in infintesimally small ways, those waves. Pressure rides behind them, however slight.

Add to that the mind of a man. She lays meaning into those sounds, weaving denotation and connotation together in a grand tapestry. Both are key: without the sound there would be no physical presence. Without the meaning it would only be noise. The physical and the mental are merged in speech; do not doubt that sign language applies as well. Fingers and hands are another form of physicality after all.

We are all connected, entangled in countless variant ways. It is a quantum truth. So do not be surprised when she speaks a name and across the world, he hears it. She is only applying the pressure of her voice and the meaning of the name itself. He is playing the universe, plucking at those strings as easily as the guitar in her hands.