I think that after that KH/FF game closed, and the M3-crowd FF game imploded closed, there's not much left. I think that FFXII MUCK is still up with the same six or seven people, but that's about it.
Wizz's Playlist
Silver Ranger (and a few minor knock-off OCs) @ Heroes & Villians
Hellboy @ The Endless City (I think it was called?)
Dain @ The Reach
Geoffrey @ Devilshire
Eddie Laramie and then his little bro Lucas @ Banyan Tree (and the successor set in Savannah)
Jecht @ FFMUX (a few times, in the murky past)
Venom @ Project Infinity, briefly.
Samael (Sabbat gargoyle) @ City of Hope (and at the knock-off COH for a bit, whatever it was called)
Gaston/Valenzo/Thomas @ Arx -
I can't remember who Geoffrey was, but I know I remember them existing..! -
Oh snap! He was...in the high school group? Half-demon with visions, and basically turned into a giant iguana? I came in when things were more or less winding down at Devilshire, unfortunately.
Maybe I wasn't around after all. I left maybe half a year before things ended, iirc. -
Sounds about right, timeframe-wise! I wasn't around for the actual closure either, I just mean that things had slowed down considerably, from what I gathered.
- topic:timeago_later,7 months
Jecht @ FFMUX (a few times, in the murky past)
Just full disclosure, I played probably one of the weirder incarnations of the character, featuring the ability to briefly turn back into his final form, the ability to shoot lasers out of his eyes when angry, and a collaborative shipping of Jecht and Beatrice from FFIX, all for reasons that made sense at the time (I was a teenager).
Never got to be SIN though.
Anybody from that crew still around?
Beatrix is awesome.
Reminds me that I briefly played Agrias on that Kingdom Hearts MU* (Edit : Which is apparently closed now.), was actually kind of fun.
Any FF-themed games around still? Preferably ones that aren't limping along with the same 3 players that've been around for 5 years and is basically dead.
I think that after that KH/FF game closed, and the M3-crowd FF gameimplodedclosed, there's not much left. I think that FFXII MUCK is still up with the same six or seven people, but that's about it. - topic:timeago_later,3 years
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, a Gaston!
- topic:timeago_later,7 months
This post is deleted! - topic:timeago_later,6 months
Oooh I really liked your Gaston. WB.
Hooray! I am so glad.