Apr 6, 2021, 9:45 PM

@faraday said in A healthy game culture:

Jane stole my kill in the last battle scene. Bob made me look bad. Harry got promoted and I didn't. Mary's always getting the spotlight. Jake got a medal and I didn't.

@l-b-heuschkel said in A healthy game culture:

Nope. No one should ever have to play with someone they do not enjoy playing with, and they should never have to justify it, either. It sucks to be left out but there is always the other option: Make your own thing happen and play it with the people who like you.

I know it's not realistic on all games, but I do think that sometimes, people sit back too much and expect to get a ticket to the season's entertainment.

Totally guilty.

Well, the people who won't include me in the plot do like to RP with me when it's about karaoke or something. But they don't want to let me work the plot, and I am not feeling like a good sport about that.

And I do expect the season's entertainment. Or at least a bit of it. Or at least for the GM to understand that telling me to ignore the plot my character is invested in and do solo adventures about my own thing, while taking two weeks to respond to such a request, two weeks during which GM was running two and four scenes every night for the people involved in the plot I'm shut out of, is not cool.

A lot of human existence is all about expectation management, but I do suspect that a great deal of legitimate complaints about fuckery and shabby-ass treatment get dismissed as an over-demanding player.