muddler - a mudding client
Muddler Version 1.0a
muddler is a mudding client reminiscent of TinyFugue. But if TinyFugue is your friend down the street, then muddler will more like your favorite two headed monster hiding under the bed. The two heads being its terminal interface and web interface. The idea is to provide multiple ways to display your favorite worlds as you move between computers.
muddler is currently an alpha level program. Its being announced for those who’d like to either try a rough around the edges program or follow/bookmark it for later use.muddler Features
- UTF8 support
- ANSI/FANSI color support
- Multiple world support with activity notices
- More / pausing output as needed
- Console support - Mudding via your favorite terminal
- Web/websocket support - Think mudding via your browser
- Multiple window support via multiple browser windows.
- Optimizations for mobile displays when connected via the web.
- Spelling checker
- initial telnet negotiation support
- SSL connections
System Requirements
muddler should run on any system that supports Perl. Perl modules may need to be installed. Currently muddler has been tested on Linux and Windows using only the web interface under Strawberry Perl. The console interface may work but I haven't spent any time finding a console application that supports vt100 codes.