I haven't read all of it yet, but I'm really liking a (now 5 year old) web serial called Worm.
Interesting online superhero story
I haven't read all of it yet, but I'm really liking a (now 5 year old) web serial called Worm.
- 9 days later
I'm having trouble getting into it after the first three sections. It's not the serialized that I'm not getting into, but I'm not getting a sense of the beats drawing me along. I'll keep trying, but it's a struggle.
What do you mean by "the beats drawing [you] along"? The pacing?
The pacing, if I understand the term, is fine. Intro, stress, heroine as something to react to and takes action; . It's the nature of the writing going from thought to thought and back again, disjointed and disorganized.
Because of this I'm having trouble following the flow. I understand that this is the kind of thing someone might write after they came home from work, sat down, banged something out, and posted it. I've done this myself. Because this is how I'm recognizing it, I'd want to give it more time to see if the author sorts out their ideas some later on.
Ah, okay. That I can definitely understand. The structure of the storytelling did catch me a bit, and when reading in one go what someone put out week after week as small blasts of the story did lead to some issues for me too. I just really dig the atmosphere and setting, like the main heroine and the supporting characters are compelling to me. I don't think it's all perfect, but I really enjoyed what I've read so far (there's a lot of it).