Because of the way Muxify searches out comment blocks, some of my code breaks it and people who are doing a simple cut-paste-muxify will occasionally run into broken code because Muxify removes a huge chunk of code.
This is because I like switches, and because I like matching switches, and to match switches I use a lot of this: /*
. And this: */
. And this: */*
The first two are the "block comment begin/end" notifiers, which Muxify will happily strip from the compressed code. And so my goal of having code that is easily cut-n-pasted is, er, cut short.
Here's the solution. Before copying over into Muxify, pull all the code you want to put into a text editor that is more advanced than "Text Edit". Textedit++ (windows), Sublime Text or (any), or BBEdit (mac) are your go-to editors.
- Find
- Select the "Regular Expression" option for finding
- Hand-compress any matches.
It will match any /*
or */
not in at the start of the line, and you can decide what to do from there.
WARNING: Not everyone puts the end-block-text at the start of a line, so for other people's code this may match false positives. Ignore them.
I hope this helps.