How to BeipMU: The best MU Client for Windows
Been a while, partly because this version does a lot of overhauling behind the scenes! The window settings are now independent, can easily be copied and pasted from one to another, and you can set defaults for new windows/easy pasting.
Among other things, this means you can do stuff like change the background or text colour of your main or secondary input for different tabs and see at a glance that this is the tab for Bob, not Fred!
4.00.309 - 2021-10-27
Add per server/character window settings, have different fonts/colors/etc per window!
Add 'Double space lines' logging option
Add 'Send Telnet Interrupt Process (IAP IP)' keyboard shortcut
Add progress bars to beip.stats GMCP package
Add Shift+Click to extend selection in output windows
Add Holding down Ctrl when connecting opens the tab without connecting
Tweak URL detection to include trailing _ characters (Dranyth)
Tweak preferences dialog to not be so vertical
Improve restore logs to restore local echo
Fix a bug in MCMP where http:// was being prepended to every URL and it shouldn't have been.
Fix another timers related bug (I found out OS timers can hit early, which leads to waiting 2x the timeout duration)
Fix idle timer to not re-activate when trying to send something on a disconnected window
Fixed a sound playback bug where if a file is not found or there is an error that playback slot becomes unusable (So after 16 failed sounds and no more will play)
As always, you can get it from the Microsoft Store (which will autoupdate and will give the dev minor info about if you hit any crashes or hangs), or alternatively from the github. If you like the new changes or run into any confusion, hop over to the Discord and let Bennet know the former or ask the server in general about the latter!
From Bennet, the developer, on BeipMU's discord:
Why is the store app stuck on build 312? Well here's why and how to fix it:
(This link is also on the main web page so more people can find it, spread the word!)