[Closed] [Commission] Location-based descs
Filled. Thanks for any interest.
I'm looking for someone (or a few someones) interested and willing to write location descriptions. I'd like 15 descriptions, ~10 for the space station and ~5 for planet-side. I'll pay $105 for all 15 ($7 each) via paypal.
I have no idea if this will get any responses or not, but if you'd like to take this on, I would like at least 5 descriptions (for some consistency in writing style), but you can do more if you like.
Please don't start writing until we agree on a number of locations and the concept for the location. For an idea, these are the loose guidelines for the locations, but if you've got a good idea, I'm open to it. I just want evocative hub locations off of which smaller buildings and locations will exist.
Space Station (middle eastern and korean influences, slicker, more sterile areas in Core, more cosmopolitan in the Ring).
- Academy (5 factions)
- The spire (central place of govt, 5 factions)
- (Some other locations, fancy space garden, etc)
The Ring
- Spaceport
- Promenade
- (Various plazas?)
The Cellar
- Upper
- Lower
- Well (very bottom)
Planet-side (industry that feeds the station, better off than those in the cellar but planet-bound, a lot more freedom to decide what goes here).
- Central city with some areas that don’t duplicate station, advanced mining, space ship parts factory, etc)
If interested, please DM me with a sample description (from any previous location description, not one from above), and how many you'd like to write.