Scene/Log based rewards - Ares?
I'm looking to build an SR/Cyberpunk game. I got started before but then got stuck on a coding idea I wanted to implement.
I'd like to have a public +scene situation, like what we see with Ares or other code examples. And when it uploads to the webpage it determines based upon activity, how much xp/karma someone gets for the scene.
Would someone have an idea for what it would take to add something like the above to Ares code? I'm no coder, but I used to work on TinyMUX stuff a long long time ago. Thank you for any help/advice.
@nessa Ares already has code that gives things out (luck points, achievements) when scenes are completed. They're currently based on scene participation, not sharing, but you could change that with custom code. It would take some effort, but nothing compared to all the other work that would be entailed in making a SR game.
My understanding is game-runners have control over how much Luck is rewarded per scene/how it's rewarded/game-specific Achievements. They just actually have it.
Thanks for the suggestions and comments. I have an Ares droplet up and running. I'll be working on figuring out how to take Luck Points and make them Improvement Points here over this next week/weekend.