When people tell my crafter character/me the player 'i like your style, make whatever you think will work'. Double like if what I make them, they really appreciate.
MU Things I Love
When people tell my crafter character/me the player 'i like your style, make whatever you think will work'. Double like if what I make them, they really appreciate.
Kiiiiiiiiind of a roller coast week here in RL. But I had a really lovely GMed scene with two players tonight and it was just nice. ALL THE NICE..
I love when I drop plot seeds, and people pick up on them without hesitation. Bonus points for my pc's pack gaining more traction.
Turning something that happens in game that could be taken negatively as an positively amazing plot opportunity that starts to build itself.
@SinCerely I like giving crafters materials and either a color scheme or 'theme' and then tell them to go nuts.
....I also loooooooooooooooooooooooove your Eurusi-inspired jewelry.
@Too-Old-For-This gah I just saw this and thank yooooou OMGOSH
Edit I don't know why autocorrect on my phone capslocked that but maybe it's projecting
The biggest MU Thing I Love(tm) would be those moments when I realize facets of a character's personality that kiiiind of, but not really, show up in chargen and/or RP, then something comes up and it all clicks together as if I'd been thinking about it on some subconscious level the whole time.
In other words, personality eureka.
@dvoraen So very /signed. I especially like when I suddenly understand why a character insisted on behaving a certain way in a scene some time ago, but I didn't know why at the time.
Ugh, I hate the background requirements a lot of games have because I want to hit that moment, I want to discover my character through play, not through backstory.
Especially not backstory being judged by staff through unwritten rules.
Especially not backstory that will never ever ever be used ever again ever.
I love games that don't do this.
Okay so something I've really started to appreciate playing a game as long as I have, Arx is the first game I've been in for legit -years-, and so much has happened now that when she has scenes or conversations with people, and they ask about why this or why that, Joscelin has a rich, in-depth history of actual experience to draw from, things that have -happened to her- that are the reasons for why she does this thing or that thing or believes this thing or that thing, and it's really, really, really fucking cool. In the beginning, I had to fabricate her reasons for being the way she was, but now, I don't have to hardly spin up anything, I can actually point to events, public and private, relationships, public and private, and go over those moments in her timeline, in my memory, and it's just fantastic. Fantastic.
I'm certain this isn't a new thing for a lot of people, but it's a new experience for me and I truly do love it.
Hitting the roster character jackpot. Logging in for the first time and discovering rich backstory hooks and deep connections with other characters right off the bat. Never had that happen before and I’m excited!
When a problem player who walked on the edge of banning actually turns it around and becomes a decent member of the community and fun to GM for.
Sometimes it's nice to be wrong.
Watching someone make a bold choice that is so deeply IC for their character even though it risks very serious IC consequences that could bring the end of that PC's story. But it's the choice that sticks truest to the heart of a character. Just really exciting to see.
Seeing a plot I've been waiting for for a long time start to kick off. I'm so unbelievably excited for this!
Sending a player something you're excited about and waiting in anticipation for them to open it and be excited about it, too.
That feeling when some simple little thing occurs to you about a character you are playing or a setting you are building that seems small and innocuous but that has potential to taint/deepen everything else they touch or have done in the past and... and you get that mental frisson... unf.
When you can tell after the first round that you and the person you're in a scene with are both on point that day, and the whole scene is going to be SO GOOD.
When a single conversation leads to discussing philosophy in a way that makes sense to both characters involved, and understanding the how-to of goals is achieved not because of a mechanical fluke, but due to the flow of conversation. Also, when it helps you figure out the between-the-lines part of a background you yourself wrote.
Play a character who's an expert on xyz.
Research xyz a bit because you want to be able to play your expert character convincingly, and will need to draw on real life facts to do it.
Become a relative expert on xyz IRL throughout the course of playing this character. Learn things. Impress your friends.
RP/Writing has legit taught me so many awesome things about the world.
@Roz said in MU Things I Love:
Watching someone make a bold choice that is so deeply IC for their character even though it risks very serious IC consequences that could bring the end of that PC's story. But it's the choice that sticks truest to the heart of a character. Just really exciting to see.
Amen to this. I may or may not be about to +request this very thing to one of my current characters... >.>