So, this is a shot in the dark and it would have been a little over 20 years ago, but there used to be a game called Children of the Moon that my brother and I played on. I don't really have a lot of games I played so my list is pretty short since CotM was pretty much the only game I played up until recently. I was actually a kid when I was playing it...I would have been maybe a freshman in highschool at the time? At any rate, my character's name over there was Timothy Fitzgerald Falconcrest (I know, I was a weird kid with weird name interests, heh.) He was a Garou (Wendigo) that I spent a long, long time getting up (I haven't played WoD in about the same amount of time, so correct me if I'm wrong here) Fostern which was like...rank 2 or something. It'd be kind of awesome to be able to talk to people again that may still be floating around that played that. It was a long time ago but I still remember some names. My brother was pretty popular over there, he played a dude named Jason Marksely (I think?) and buddied around with a couple characters named Weasel and Heris (Again, names may be a bit fuzzy.) Anyway, if any of that rings a bell hit me up!
My list since this is relatively short compared to most people since I pretty much stopped playing until recently.
Crucible City and Crucible City 2 - My brother and I both played on there too, that was a loooong time ago. People would probably know him wayyy before they knew me. I believe I was Bastian over there. I don't remember my brother's characters.
More recently: Calaveras - My character on that game is Julian.
I also played some Lovecraft style game several months ago, maybe a year ago? I forget what it was called and I pretty much forgot my character's name too! So yeah, not much of a list, but I'm new to MU Soapbox.
Sidenote: I played a couple MUDs too: Bloodgeon, Lurking Fear, and Lurking Fear 2. It's highly unlikely anyone played those since they were not RP games so much as just PK (PvP) games. My characters on those games were Vapid, Warpath, Whiteriver...and...uh, I think that's it. Don't remember the rest.
Anyway, it's a small world so you never know who you might run into again!