I can be reached at thisisyourcorrespondent at gmail dot com. That's not my main email but I'll check it every now and then. Otherwise, have fun, everyone. I had my fun, I made some friends, I tried to fit in places I should have known I wouldn't and with groups I should have known didn't have room for me, but the down parts made the up parts that much better, I guess. Bye.

Posts made by Cutey Cat
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
RE: Error 503
This has happened to me in the last couple days whenever I've tried to upload an avatar to my account. The uploading ends in a 502 error, and then I can't access the whole site for a minute or two (or more).
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
@Apu I was never staff on JLU.
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
@Cobaltasaurus said:
No, I'm going to put my garbage in your thread.
Reported to the mods. Enjoy your ban.
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
So I played a WoD game for like... a week.
I was Brad or Bradley on Reno. I legitimately don't remember which @name it was.
So if you saw me in that week, hi, friend.
Anyway, I don't really have a comment on the rest o the thread but it's good to see that it hasn't been sullied by posts for a while. Leave your garbage somewhere else.
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
let me reply to all this in order:
yeah i was haman
i'm dead as fuck
i was indeed 17
sweepcubs are creepy shit
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
Not that I'm particularly aware of. I mean, they let ME in, so even if it is, the standards must be non-existent.
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
I legitimately completely forgot UU. Like all comic book games, I played eleventy thousand alts there.
Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
Selected past games and bits:
Four Color Comix MUX: Zvezda
Justice League Unlimited MUX: Batgirl
Persona MUSH: Mariko Ohmukai
Reno MUSH: Bradley
Rogue Republic MUCK: Predadora
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic MUSH: Tura Kerr
Super Robot Taisen MUSH: Rei Ayanami, Tanith O'Gasmeter
The Marvel Universe MUX: Sensational (staff)
Transformers 2005 MUSH: Galvatron (staff), Cliffjumper
True Believers / Shooter MUX: Frank Quitely (staff)