Always late to the party...
When I noticed the game had fallen off the net I emailed Luthe's player to see what had happened, whether he needed some help, or if I could grab the database and server code to bring it up on another server. I never heard back from him. I contacted a number of people but never managed to find out what had happened.
On color adaptations, originally all were assigned. Brandy used to do it and training took it on after she mostly retired from the game. Later, much later, Vyana wrote code to auto assign adapt colors for singers. Black and white were never part of automatic assignments, players that had contributed a lot to the game usually got those adapts. There were few black adapts, Gyles and Kesya come to mind.
I had a bunch of characters... I vaguely remember also a tuner and sledtech, but I just can't remember the names.
Dreatha - Singer
Renata - Sorter