I want to set up a very small game with a unique 'story'. Not Vampires(WOD), Not Superheroes, -- something new. I imagine this will make the game very small and while I have a budget set for paying coders, I am not at the point yet to hire anyone (and want to see how much I will be able to do myself first. before wasting anyone's time coding.)
I am thinking of hosting it myself on a computer I can set as a LINUS server to run my but I am really at these very first stages. Can anyone offer advice on select the right software to use? Instructions for installing/Configuring? What will I need for firewall protection?
I will get details for the meat I want on the bones when I figure out the bones but I imagine I will need to hire some coders so anyone who might be up for a small project that will put some coin in your pocket, keep me in mind as I flesh out exactly what I'm looking for.
Thank you for understanding my newbieness.