@Ide If I do not have a character struggling to get out and manifest with in a game world, I move to a different game where I have an idea that wants out. Once I have that, I will make up others for what ever is needed, or help out with NPCs, but I need to have a core PC there to connect me or I don't stay.

Long time geek and MU*er, starting with Elysium and shortly followed by Masq. Didn't take long before I had the bug fully and was onto a plethora of games. The things that tend to be consistent with me is, I always differ from the masses, and I rend to be rather polarizing when it comes to my PCs. Folks love them or despise them, with little in between. The funny part is, if I can keep the OOC masq up, the people that hate one of my PCs, will normally tell me all about that 'ass hole' to a different one of my PCs. They all tend to have enough depth that people seem to not realize that I am not my PC IRL, and people tend to be rather amazed when they learn just how different my PCs are in a game, and how different I am from them IRL.
Latest posts made by Rabbit
RE: Do you RP to play a character, or get a character so you can RP?
RE: Meta vs PrP vs Planning vs Impromptu
@Lotherio As I have found that sooner or later, on every game, some one bad gets in to staffing and wrecks things. Because of this, I focus on creating RP with out the need of staff intervention. I like to see staff setting up TPs that players can get into if they wish, but I'm not fond of the sorts where players are forced into it. Invariably something comes up and plots get delays, information is lost or scrambled, or times just don't match up leaving some people stuck in something they can't really be a part of.
As a staffer, I try to offer events that people can come in and out of as they like and work to prevent 'lock in' on things. I also try to ensure that there is something for any one that happens to wander into it. I normally do a mail plot line, then work out several events and side things that can be shifted around based on who's involved at that moment. This is a lot of work, and volunteers can't be expected to do that much work constantly. The places where it seems to always be going on rend to fail faster, as staff burns out so quickly, and there are many more opportunities to get a bad one in.