Why not make my first post a playlist post. I've not been on many MUs, but I've been on at least one for the last several years now. Others have sort of become fleeting, but overall I've enjoyed where I've been and look forward to where I'm going. I'm also not against being offered up some new MUs to try out...
Past - In no particular order (mostly as I remember them) :
Star Wars : AoA
- Sevrina Riggers
Some Zombie-Type Mush I can't recall the name of.
- Naomi
Road to Amber
- I don't recall my character name. Eninae maybe?
A Closed Mush - Fel-something
- Rayne
Present - In no particular order
Serenity Mush
- Feria/Robin Corington
- Akiana Alexander
Neverwinter Mush
- Saerwen
Fallout : El Dorado
- Nikki Paget
- Xavier Hoyt
If you knew me/know me...send me a message. I'd love to reconnect with people old/new. There may or may not be someone or few I'm looking for, but I'm not going to call them out. If you feel it's you, maybe you should reach out.