@L-B-Heuschkel said in The Game Game:
I can obviously only speak for myself but the one thing that tends to convince me to leave games isn't that the grass is greener somewhere else but that somewhere else might offer me an opportunity to actually get involved. That, to me, is the problem with most games that have run for a while -- they're impossibly hard to get into as a new player.
I have literally had a story teller on one game tell me not to bother. That the plot was far too complex and detailed to get into after the game had run for over a year. As a newbie I'd never be trusted and included. All but openly told me to not even bother to app.
It's obviously not the -only- reason a game may lose players to a similar game but it sure as heck is part of it. If only the core group of players really have much to do and feel entertained, then yes, everyone else is going to be looking for alternatives and rush over to that new green field.
Right, and there will be a myriad number of reasons to leave a game. I'm not saying that games being in competition has anything to do with poor decisions or that it's wrong for players to leave one game for another because the grass seems greener. This is the nature of seeking something, entertainment in this case, and the competition factor isnt at the player level.
What truly kills games? Low attendance/involvement making it so that the time/money spent to keep it going becomes less worthwhile.
We have seen...
- Players threaten to "steal players" to other games that are allegedly better
- Former staff taking code and opening up a new place in the same genre to "lure players" to their new game
- Games shut down because another game in the same genre opens up at the same time and population suffers for it.
What do games need to thrive? Player investment of time and effort. Time an effort is a finite resource.
So in the "not using pretty words" sense of things...
Competition isnt a bad word. Players dont want to waste their time and neither do staffers. Game selection/involvement is a matter of trying to determine if putting effort into a game is worthwhile, and staff of games has to capture that to keep the game going. This is done by trying to create an environment that makes players feel like it will be less worthwhile to focus on other games.
Arx has thrived because it is competitive. People are playing it because it's crafted something that people find rewarding that other games dont offer.
Simple as pie to me.