Do/did you play in a tabletop game now or in the past? Yes. I've played in several multi-year games for Champions, RuneQuest, D&D, Chivalry & Sorcery and home brewed systems. I have run multiyear games for Thieves Guild, Rolemaster (dark ages Arthurian and space opera), Champions, GURPS Pulp, Vampire, Deadlands.
What games(s) do/did you play as tabletop? Tunnels & Trolls, Traveller Classic, ad&d, Thieves Guild, RoleMaster, Phoenix Command/Living Steel, Gamma World, homebrew fantasy, Space Opera, SpaceMaster, RuneQuest, Chivalry & Sorcery, AD&D 3.5, Call of Cthulhu, Paranoia, Cyberpunk 2020, homebrew western, Pendragon, Mekton Zeta, GURPS, Hero System (age of sail and fantasy), Star Wars D6. Champions (Hero System super), Vampire, Deadlands, Silver Age Sentinels (BEBM Supers), Mutants and Masterminds (d20 wildly varient supers), Adventure!, FATE, Star Wars Saga.
Are/were you the GM/ST/DM at your tabletop? Often.
Would you tabletop if you had the opportunity? If it was the right people and the right game, yes.
Do you have the opportunity but choose NOT to tabletop?
Yes. There are public games run at physical game stores. There are several groups to try out various games here at work. I have friends I've known and played with for decades that I could join. I am not very interested in most folks gaming style. MU* style is closest as I always focus on personal (not solo, intimate) stories, and while I like action, i am not interested in "build" games (D&D 4E is an excellent example, and many other games are played that way such as various cyberpunk games). I am not interested in wild aimless shenanigans. I usually want a setting, and a theme to experience and work within. I dislike games where they place strong limits then its "ground breaking" to allow the players to break them (Like D&D and Apocalypse World classes). I use a game system to play in a world, not create a world that uses a game system.