Well... there could be less 'points' and more of an RP basis for everything.
Jake and Amir are working together on a skit. Jake wants to take point, but so does Amir. So they discuss it ICly (vs OOCly) and Amir makes a good compromise offer. He'll let Jake take point this time and for the next skit, Jake will not only allow Amir to take point but also have some additional creative freedoms with the script to which he'll agree to without knowing what those will be.
So, without points, Jake's +finger (or similar) will have a quick blarb about the compromise. It notes that he's on point for the skit with "TITLE" listed and what he's agreed to. This, however, is something that he sets with Amir during the scene using something like: (Can be more than two involved)
Jake > command <Jake> <Amir> [<NameN>] <Text>
Amir > command/accept <Yes|No>
NameN > command/accept <Y|N>
Set it up so that there's some sort of global notice that those involved have set something. Leave it to players to handle the ICC and require something like a +consent[/accept] for anything involving aggressive PvP (including non-ic consent TS situations, to which FtB will always be allowed by either party)
Then in larger, GM'd events you can allow players to set their two descriptive words, allocate their 7 points, and then play accordingly for that scene only. When it is a temporary instance handled with GM involvement, there's no gaming the system via private RP. As well, the GM can set up which descriptive words fit the situation at hand and players choose from that pool of words. This allows some players to switch it up a little, one time they're the 'dashing host' and the next time they're the 'timid party-goer'. Might add a little spice to big scenes. (Next to handle who gets to choose and when, I'm open to suggestions for that)