If we already had a thread for this, I apologize. But drop your contact details for stuff like Steam, XBox Live, PSN, Discord, etc., if you want here.
Steam: Packetdancer
Origin: Packetdancer
PSN: Packetdancer
XBL: Packetdancer
Twitch: Packetdancer
Discord: Packetdancer#4441I'm consistent.
Steam: ixokai
Origin: ixokai ixokai#1770 -
Steam: elmerg
The rest: HAHAHAHAHAH what are games? -
Steam: ScaredyFloof
Discord: ScaredyFloof#0324
Bnet: ScaredyFloof#1796 -
Steam: psc943 rnmissionrun -
XBL: BmoreLOLThewire
Steam: Moiren (Canadian one)
PSN: Sniklefras
XBL: Sniklefras
BattleNet: Moiren#1319
Discord: Moiren#5993
GoG: Moiren
Origin: Surviverpg
Uplay: Sniklefras
Twitch: Moiren
Epic: MoirenI also have a discord server with a few voice channels if people need a place to get together and chat about games. I'll even make a Soapbox chat only if people want to co-ordinate game sessions. Clicky. Just let me know who you are, and I'll like... give you permissions and stuff.
ETA Text channel and role made.
Steam: mrsenile
Steam: Moiren (Canadian one)
PSN: Sniklefras
XBL: Sniklefras (Don't currently have an Xbox though, just Windows 10, so I tend to forget about it.)
BattleNet: Moiren#1319
Discord: Moiren#5993
GoG: Moiren
Origin: Surviverpg
Uplay: Sniklefras
Twitch: MoirenI also have a discord server with a few voice channels if people need a place to get together and chat about games. I'll even make a Soapbox chat only if people want to co-ordinate game sessions. Clicky. Just let me know who you are, and I'll like... give you permissions and stuff.
ETA Text channel and role made.
You're actually, indirectly (I forgot who you were, cough), why I made this thread.
But if I could get channel/perms, plz!
@Auspice gasp And after I gave you Summer Steam Sale cards too!
XBL: AcidWashedGenes
Mostly going to catch me playing Overwatch. It still has me by the soul.
I believe on Steam I am "Seiraryu". Also the name I go by on League of Legends.
Steam: RogerFnRabbit
League of Legends: ThreeCheeseMafia -
Why did you think you had to ask?
edit: Except for Nvidia for automated driver downloads, where my gamer tag is: IHateForcedOptInSystems
I do.
@Thenomain said in Gamertags:
Why did you think you had to ask?
edit: Except for Nvidia for automated driver downloads, where my gamer tag is: IHateForcedOptInSystems
I do.
Yeah, I really dislike the nVidia software for that. Still not as bad as Razer's software but it's getting there.
@Thenomain said in Gamertags:
Why did you think you had to ask?
edit: Except for Nvidia for automated driver downloads, where my gamer tag is: IHateForcedOptInSystems
I do.
Yeah, I really dislike the nVidia software for that. Still not as bad as Razer's software but it's getting there.
I had a pair of Corsair headphones with colors, and the tool to alter the pattern and colors and things was unbelievably bad, bloated, confusing, etc. I can, even with that, imagine that Razer is still worse. They had the curse of being the big name at the start of new age of gaming hardware, and I can imagine they were managed to death. Death by over eager management, a sad way to go.
Steam: Fishman
It used to be Admiral Fishman, but people thought I was a fan of some professional player on a game with a similar name, so I had to drop rank.
Sometimes it's El Jefe Fishman, though.