Fallout: Montreal
All Godβs children, they have to die.
So there's only one problem I have with Canada as a setting. VaultTec was an American company that built Vaults in America, even tho Canada was annexed by America it wasn't part of America, so where does Fallout culture bleed into Canada enough for me to feel like I'm in a Fallout game?
@magee101 I've already said in my pestery (what's missing for you) thread that we'll have a vault. It doesn't matter if Vault Tech was an American company. Companies that are specific to one country DO outsource and produce outside of their country.
We're working on links to lore, factions, and even other vaults that might be around different cities that can be later explored! It'll be there, even if we've started calling it Eh-Tech.
@rizbunz But that's pretty against Fallout theme and lore. America was a xenophobic enclosed country circa 1950's, American companies were proud to be American and only produced for America. While I agree that in yes, RL this is very much the case, what we are presented with in the FO universe is that there never was a cultural change from the mentality of the Cold War of the 1950's so I don't see why American technology would have been produced outside of America.
@magee101 It could have easily been built during the time that Canada was part of America. And without any specific say of 'no this didn't happen' we'll be working with it as a possibility. A lot of things happened in the States after the 1950s. Regardless of the aesthetic of the game, view points did change in ways they would have naturally in history. If it lingered purely in the time and didn't develop socially, you wouldn't be allowed to play whatever character you want, for example.
Except that Fallout history is very different from our history via the 1950's, a lot of events we experienced as a world didn't happen in Fallout because other things happened. One of these things namely being the continued xenophobic nature of America and closed borders as they continued a cold war with China after China took over Asia. So the time before the bombs did linger in time and didn't develop socially. After the bombs fell is an entirely different matter of course, all sorts of stuff can/has happened to society following the collapse of society which is what allows you to make any character you want, not the events before 2077
@magee101 Oil and money take companies some crazy places sometimes, regardless of xenophobia.
@rizbunz But Oil wasn't a major factor in Fallout Universe, fusion technology is discovered and used widely in the early 60's and energy isn't a crisis nor problem in Fallout world, everyone has a fusion powered car, every town has a fusion reactor providing electricity. Also money wouldn't be a thing because Vault Tec has a blank check from the US government to create technology for America. Why would they go anywhere else and risk losing their blank check?
@magee101 It was still heavily used as a requirement for plastics essential to military power and was secured to prevent other countries IE China and the like having access to it. As it is widely believed in fallout canon that they were not as reliant on Nuclear power sources as the U.S.
On top of that most fusion technology came about shortly before the Great War and much of it still had to extend to all corners of the country. Despite what is seen in the later fallout games in particular.
@magee101 Resources for the war effort. Occupation was held in Canada beginning in 2069. The annexation didn't happen until 2076. That's more than enough time to push for Vaults, or any other implantation of Vault Tech within the area, even as it's being stripped for resources. That being said, too, what stops an insane, experimentation company from doing said experiments on people they may consider their enemies? Wouldn't those be the best test subjects?
@rizbunz Aside from their own people apparently
alrighty you've got an explanation that salves my disbelief.
This is a really good video on the lore of Fallout that was put out right before 4 came out. Alternate History Hub does a lot of what would the world be like if this happened. He's really good at explaining what did happen, and then what might have happened in an alternate setting.
@insomnia Thanks for linking this to me! A few members of our Staff are pretty buff as far as mythos goes, but I'm thankful for anything interesting involving the setting.
I, for one, welcome our Radmoose and Robo-Mountie overlords.
@bad-at-lurking Oh. Oh...wait till you see what we have in store!
@insomnia That's amazing! He gets Vault 11 lore wrong but otherwise it seems pretty legit!
@magee101 Several fallout sources mention oil, including the original voiceovers. "POSEIDON OIL" might also ring a bell. If that doesn't convince you:
As a scientist IRL, I can absolutely tell you that burning oil is a waste of money, and we use it for a crapload of things other then burning. We could all get magic self-moving star trek cars tomorrow, and we'd still need oil. And as someone whom has had 'any economics ever' I can tell you that, in the 50's and 60's, the U.S. was very, very much exporting goods. Actually, it MOSTLY exported goods during that time, particularly to Europe. There is no reason why they wouldn't.
As far as the grid goes, I've noticed the expression and interest in Toronto. I did say it would be on the grid, but I also wanted people to know that I'll eventually be adding Quebec City and Ottawa as well. The map itself will not be fully complete once we open, as I'll be leaving expansions and new locations for plot elements.
In a way, think of it like filling in your map as you go along!
@rizbunz Any objection to players getting together ala 'Vault City' (F02) or 'Caesar' (New Vegas), or the Brotherhood (FO4) and starting a....civilization expansion initiative, lets call it, once the initial struggles for survival and 'not starving to death' or 'being eaten by cannibals' wears off?
Because that worked out so well for Arroyo.
(Meaning I agree. And if the players get bored, say it was raiders!)