Apr 5, 2019, 11:19 PM

@Tinuviel Thats part of what I am debating internally right now. Just how much control to give. I really like the idea of writing up a solid history, influences, motivations etc, make an outline, and just give it to the players, but having a few control points might be a good idea ass well.

@Ghost They will be an Antagonist faction so they are unlikely to just give people things, but if they do, there is definitely a high cost.

But you are right, a lot of folks wanna run PRP's where they always win, and this Family is intended to both lose and win, back and forth. Because a Villian that is used as a constant punching bag is boring. The hope is to set them up in a way that is interesting enough that people might get invested in the villains too. Want to see them win, just for the chance to bring them back down again.

Perhaps invest certain members with 'Plot armor'.

Cops and Clergy and most other organizations in the game are corrupt, it is WoD After all. You mentioned Gotham, and that's about how secure our prisons are... >_>

@Coin I admit I am not great at those 'point systems' like you describe them, coupld you elaborate a bit more? In my head, the Plots, the laws that they might pass, the factions they might seek to undermine and control...

Like I am thinking at the beginning, one of these guys is the Mayor.