Jun 28, 2019, 4:33 PM

This happened a few months ago, but I've been reflecting on it ever since, and I'm in regular contact with all of the players who were involved.

My character, Bob*, was in a long-term, monogamous, but currently celibate (and sexual-tension-filled) relationship with Mrs Jones*, who was trapped in a loveless, abusive arranged marriage with Mr Jones*.

During an event where no one could remember their true identity, Mrs Jones ended up hooking up with Bob's best friend, Dick*.

Once everyone got their memories back, Bob attacked his best friend Dick in a fit of jealous rage. Dick, being a dick, has since made a few mean jabs here and there about how much fun he and Mrs Jones had, which never fails to make Bob grumpy and surly and a bit pathetic. Mr Jones of course also came knocking and threatened to murder Dick, which Bob had a hard time mustering the civility to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his best friend for.

All of the characters involved in this situation are played by people I OOCly adore.

Everyone had a good time and laughed about it.

We still talk about it fondly now and then.

The more I talk to other people OOCly about various awkward drama/jealousy/triangle situations they've had leave a horrible taste in their mouth and ruin their game experience, the more I find myself reflecting on this particular story because I appreciate how rare that is. The cheating here was ICly motivated and ICly reacted to. That was all. There was no bleed-over whatsoever.

So MU things I love: players I can have these kinds of complicated scenes/stories with, with absolute trust that dramatic storytelling will never result in any kind of OOC resentment or awkwardness.

If you have friends you can enjoy IC tension with while always remaining chummy behind the scenes? Hold onto them. They are worth their weight in gold.

asterisks* = names changed to protect the players involved.

P.S. to the players involved, if you recognise this story and your role in it, I love you all and hope to continue telling many more complex stories with you over the years and enjoying our shared tension and wacky hijinks.