Leave of Absence
Not terribly important, I suppose, but I am heading on vacation with my family on June 19, 2021 and am slated to return on June 26, 2021. During this time, my availability will be limited.
I will return.
(I mean, I love my family, but --)
CONGRATULATIONS. I hope you have a good time, and I hope you get some time to genuinely relax.
Enjoy your time with your family!
We promise not to set fire to the place while you're gone.
... maybe.
@sunny said in Leave of Absence:
CONGRATULATIONS. I hope you have a good time, and I hope you get some time to genuinely relax.
I'll try, but to be honest the stereotype holds true with me.
That and I'm absolutely killing in selling this legal procedure that I swear will help revitalize my community slowly but surely.
It helps that Dave Chappelle's outspoken advocacy for the area has led to folks like Tiffany Haddish getting interested in investing in the Dayton, Ohio area.
Got it, tag you with a bunch of work so you know we missed you like crazy. -
Holding off on your package, then! Have fun!!
I read that as "holding your package then" and I had questions
Our Dear Leader is going to be incommunicado for a while? It will be bedlam!
@ganymede said in Leave of Absence:
It helps that Dave Chappelle's outspoken advocacy for the area has led to folks like Tiffany Haddish getting interested in investing in the Dayton, Ohio area.
You live in Yellow Spring? My cousin went to Antoich something like 22 years ago.
@ominous said in Leave of Absence:
You live in Yellow Spring? My cousin went to Antoich something like 22 years ago.
No, but I live in the same county and frequent Yellow Springs a lot.
mods are away post nudes
@moth so it has been there for ~days~ and I am ~ruining it~ but the little summary on the front page was just "nudes" and that made me laugh.