Ignoring Categories, Threads, and Users
If you don't want to see a category, there's a very easy one-step solution. On the main cateogory page, at the top right, you'll see a box that says 'Watching', or something similar. If you click on that, you'll see an option that says 'Not Watching' or 'Ignoring', like so:
If you change this to 'not watching', the topics will show up in Recent Posts, but will not show that you have unread topics.
If you change it to Ignoring, it will neither show you Unread topic notifications or show up in Recent Posts for you, which means that you have to deliberately go into the category to see it.
Pretty much the same procedure, but the icon is different. Inside of a thread, in the right hand corner, you'll see a bell icon, like so:
Pretty much the same options. Pretty much the same effects.
Ignoring / blocking users can be done from that user's profile page. It'll be, for example,
This is how you now control your MSB viewing experience. Categories will no longer be hidden behind groups that you have to track down and join, and know you have to track down in the first place. But the opt-out is easy, and you can fine-tune your own thread-following experience.
If you run into issues, let me know and we'll work through them.