Shayd's Playlist
199?: Some goddamn Dikumud I played on.
1996?-2000ish?: Shadowrun Seattle: Shayd (RP head-staff), Halo Jones, Shane WIlliams, others
1999-2015: Firan: Marsyas, Garen, Pangaros, Quargle, Marsalos; also (v briefly) Andrew on staff.
2000s: SR: Detroit: Shayd (RP director for a time); Victor Ivankov
2000s: SR: Denver: Shayd (RP staff, briefly); Bili the Axe, Minos
2016: Brave New World: Flash, Thor, Plastic Man, Steel
I've been on other games: Battlestar Somethingoranother, Serenity, etc. but not for long enough for them to stick in my mind.
Hi Shayd! Player of Marsia (Firan) here. The one that tossed all your plans under the cartwheels and claimed Nydias with the marriage prize
Damn that was fun; had half the game cheering me and the other half insta-hating me. Good to see you're still around.
That, my dear, was frickin HILARIOUS.