Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
Even I'll give them thumbs up for this. Dunno if I'm ready to give the game a chance, but considering the clique crossover back on Firan, it's encouraging to see they can recognize that he's more problem than he's value.
@Auspice I think with Lou no longer Voice, you could get away with much lower commitment activity. (And I am GMing exploration expeditions now!)
However, I won't lie, following the metaplot can be tricky if you aren't around as much. I could try to keep you looped in as Aislin—I do that for a few others who've asked—but that might still be a factor.
(Sympathies on the migraines, from one sufferer to another; I know it can make it hard to actually engage. I haven't RP'd nearly as much the past week-ish due to my own.)
@Apos said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Thenomain @Arkandel I'd prefer if you didn't.
I know you wouldn't, but that's different than being told you can't. I know you're taking a risk by not outright banning people you don't like, and I respect that. So far I've respected it by not logging in, even when people I know and like have said how much fun they're having on Arx and how they'd like me to join.
If I think I could do it so that you'd barely know I was there, I'd do it.
Would people like to see me return to Lou? Because I could give it a go. See if I could ease in. Esp. with adventuring happening (as that was her schtick).
@Auspice Yes!!
Also, we have a really great new player trying out Mason right now and he's aces.
@Auspice said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Would people like to see me return to Lou? Because I could give it a go. See if I could ease in. Esp. with adventuring happening (as that was her schtick).
Speaking only for myself, I would love my Grayson Fealty Adventure Ladies buddy back if you were willing to give it a try.
@Arkandel I really hope whoever takes over Victus stays a true 'Thrax'. It feels like the Thrax fealty is kind of lacking in the 'dark traditional sailor' stuff. He seems a dark character, and those are fun to rp with. We can't all be good guys.
@Bossi I heard something about that being purposeful. Harald is awesome! You can pal aorund with my bit if you want. She is a weird mix of liberal and traditional.
@Bossi There's a new new Victus already?
@icanbeyourmuse I'm not sure, times change but if we all become good guys, where will the fun be in that? Houses can have their unique cases where they go against the norm, but if we all become unique, it's just a grey mess. I worry Thrax will become a 'good' house so to speak, when we weren't intended to be 'good'. Then the only difference between houses will merely be a few traits here and there that you see in all houses anyway when you take in the unique factors.
So yes, if we stay 'bad' with our Thralls and reaving and dark salty sailorness, the mainland houses will hate us. We'll keep losing the wars. But we'll be different, we'll inspire in game conflicts of interest and morals, and forge strong relationships IC that lead to strong interests OOC. It's okay to have IC enemies, it's no fun if we're all friends. We're not antagonists, we're anti-heroes. We all stood together against the siege. We're all heroes. Some of us are just less friendly/harsher than others.
Sorry, just venting a little. But I posted for more Grimhalls and Thrax friends
And we'll all get drunk and brawl together. And I'll be happy to rp with you <3.
@Arkandel No I don't think so, or there is but he's rarely online? May be misinformed, I just have never seen Victus around, and I've been here for almost a month.
@Arkandel If I recall right, there was a new Victus about 2 weeks later. They delayed a week to let people put in apps to give them a pool to choose from.
@Bossi My girl does not generally drink. She's just.. basically a bitch. Her and Harald are awful to each other yet she always asks him his advice and has a crush on him.
After reading a little bit through this thread and lurking for some time I thought that I would post my impressions of Arx to add to the fair mix here.
I joined in February, I think, after some friends recommended the place.
I was reluctant to say the least, as I am not a fan of custom systems as a rule of thumb and with very little information about the setting on the wiki I was skeptical at best. Especially after numerous failed attempts at MU games in my recent history.
After about 2-3 weeks I found myself hooked.
The player base was supportive with a complete newb and helped me through the learning curve.
Never once did I find it to be cliquey - whenever I asked for RP, I got it. Whenever sitting alone in a room with the looking for RP flag on, I am always visited. No one has ever "blocked" my RP. No one has ever turned me away when I asked for help. No one has ever been rude to me. Not to say I haven't had my scuffles OOCly with one person who was recently banned.Staff was helpful when I needed advice and direction. They have always been friendly but firm and direct and I keep communication open with them as much as possible (much to their chagrin, probably).
Honestly, I have never been happier on a MU. It's fast paced, well managed/organized, responsive, and friendly.
That being said, I think the most frustrating things for me have been the lack of social combat system (which means everyone settles everything by duels lending to a "Euro L5R" feel - not necessarily bad, but frustrating for the social types) and lack of information/wiki type stuff (They are really good about answering your setting questions, but honestly I would love to dig my teeth into some reading about the place). I know these things are on the way though and the place is still in Beta.
@Ganymede : We played together before on two different MUs ever so briefly (one scene each!) and honestly I would adore it if our paths crossed again one day. If you joined Arx I would be happy. You were fun in those two scenes, and I really think you'd like it at Arx.
I haven't been active in Thrax for a bout a month due to RL. From what I see they were shifting away from thraldom. Shame.
@Bossi There are plenty of bad guys who aren't Thrax. Most of them serve and/or are demons, or some other flavor of evil. Just because Thrax culture is naval and jerkface-y in some regards doesn't make them "bad guys".
I tend to be wary of theme factions with an overt Asshole Excuse. Unsurprisingly, they tend to attract a lot of people who want to play assholes and be able to point at theme as a 'get out of trouble free' card.
@Noodle-McDoodle Thrax culture is very much about keeping Thralls and being better than everyone else, which makes people see them as the typical 'bad guys'. It even says in the description that people love to hate them.
It's not so much an excuse or a desire to play an asshole character.
That seems like stereotyping. Every game needs conflict, we can't all be nice to each other. We don't play Thrax's because we want to be assholes and get away with it. Also saying we're on par with demons/those serving demons is a bit extreme, we're not looking to hurt people. Hardcore Thraxians just see themselves as the shit, and are stuck in their ways.
I actually find fewer Thrax are assholes. My bit, Abbas, Harald, Victus, and Darrow are the only 'assholes' I've come across and all of them seem pretty awesome OOC. The majority that /I/ see just want to be BFFs with the world.
@Auspice said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I sort of miss Arx, but my big issue with it wasn't issues like Custodius being around, sadly...
My issue was everything moved way, way too fast for me.
And with my migraines now compounding my availability even more, I just... sadly still don't see it being a good fit for me.
Arx is the only game I am playing right now and as a fellow migraneur and otherwise often very rl distracted person I definitely get you. It is hard to keep up with everything, super hard, especially while learning the system and an original theme and etc.
I think the game is fantastic though. @Apos especially has gone out of his way to give me secrets and hooks and ways to engage. I would have been over the moon in love with Arx if it had existed when I was a college student or a young adult with no kids yet and a less intense job. As it is, I think the game is awesome, and I -am- able to have fun and find things to get involved with and do even if I do not always know all the details of the plot stories and that kind of thing. It's not designed /for/ the casual gamer, but a casual gamer can totally have fun there if they find the right niche to play in.
@Bossi said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Noodle-McDoodle Thrax culture is very much about keeping Thralls and being better than everyone else, which makes people see them as the typical 'bad guys'. It even says in the description that people love to hate them.
It's not so much an excuse or a desire to play an asshole character.
That seems like stereotyping. Every game needs conflict, we can't all be nice to each other. We don't play Thrax's because we want to be assholes and get away with it. Also saying we're on par with demons/those serving demons is a bit extreme, we're not looking to hurt people. Hardcore Thraxians just see themselves as the shit, and are stuck in their ways.
I feel like you should maybe reread what @Noodle-McDoodle wrote. Her point was more that we have a lot of outside external evils serving as the bad guys of the game (including some PCs aligned with those various evil factions), not that Thrax is at all on par with demons or their servants. The game doesn't require an overt "bad guy" Great House to create conflict because we have a ton of other antagonists already set up. She also didn't say that all Thrax players are looking for the Asshole Excuse, but rather that factions set up with overt stuff like Thrax that's meant to be "thematically bad" tends to attract players who get a bit too into the whole thing as an excuse to be a jerk. Is that everyone in Thrax? No, not at all! Have there definitely been players like that? Yeah.
I can understand both sides as far as wanting to keep/wanting to get rid of thralldom (and male primogeniture). But I do think the idea that Thrax will somehow lose all defining characteristics if these two things were to eventually become abolished is kind of short-sighted. Like, do you really think the entirety of Thraxian culture is wrapped up in those two things? I don't. Those are two big loud items, but even with the Lyceum down there, Thrax will always remain the foremost naval power, Thrax will continue to have an interesting and slightly brutal interpretation of Mangata, etc., etc.
Also, the idea that if Thrax didn't have thralldom and male primogeniture that we would lose game conflict is also incorrect, because there is tons of conflict not about these two things.