Jun 1, 2017, 2:36 PM

@DeadEmpire I think you're referring to stat costs, and it's a base cost of 100, not 1000.

That said, the XP situation is crazy. I mean, that's been known (and mentioned, even in this thread, I think) for months. Some people regularly get 30/40+ XP a week, and maximize it with use of the very generous teaching system, and I know several characters with 5+ skills at 5 (the highest you can go without being actively supernatural in ability) and 3+ stats at 5.

It's always been my position that the game badly, badly needs an XP wipe before moving out of 'beta', and a retooling of XP costs, now that there is a solid idea of how much XP can be acquired weekly. And a few more XP sinks added, or a way to 'cash in' XP for other resources.