I personally have a liking for curses based upon the in-game things, like the abyss, mirror, demons, reckoning, smiling shadows, etc etc. More people should be called demon spawn and mirrorborn or what have you.
Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I personally have a liking for curses based upon the in-game things, like the abyss, mirror, demons, reckoning, smiling shadows, etc etc. More people should be called demon spawn and mirrorborn or what have you.
Since I failed to actually answer the question.
- Simon: I swear... when it's appropriate
Kaylee: Simon, the whole point of swearin' is that it ain't appropriate.
My character is Simon in this case. He doesn't curse regularly, but he does so when appropriate. This extends to private conversations pretty often.
- I like descriptions. Whether it's character or equipment. In fact I regularly view people's worn equipment for specific details. Gotta keep an eye out for them stones.
- Simon: I swear... when it's appropriate
@Olsson I do like "flec" and "shards" that the game in general made up and got approval on. (Housed in the Arx Lexicon.)
Oh and obviously call uncivilized people shavs, it's only appropiate.
I've never noticed those before or the Lexicon in general. Thanks for pointing that out.
That Lexicon is cool! Need to add "Hoods" for members of the Inquisition.
@FiranSurvivor Add away! It's a player wiki.
@Roz Thanks for that. I've seen some Thrax players use "Salt and Iron" as a form of greeting. (I think)
@Shincashay That was Abbas' contribution. He went with Salt everything, and we all eagerly embraced it. Its a Salt Life, yo.
@Darinelle I may have to steal the idea of 'Seduce for a puppy'. Puppies are full of win.
Conversation regarding prostitution in the setting has been moved here.
Heeeeeey. I'm trying to get started over here with Arx! Unfortunately, I'm terribly overwhelmed. How do I get started after half a decade of WoD?
Roster characters are the easiest to pick up just because they're almost completely grab and go. (They ask for a few brief sentences about why you want to play the character.) And there are a lot of roster characters at hand currently!
In a general sense, I think either noble or commoner have a lot of fun in different ways. If you're overwhelmed, steer away from noble heads of houses (who have more responsibility) and probably also noble voices (who are like 2nd-in-commands who can also have responsibility). Look for families that have at least a couple active players who can take you under their wing and such. For commoners, there are a couple commoner family units you could get a similar kind of support from, but there's also a lot of room to do different stuff with commoners. I'd suggest aiming at at least some sort of org to attach yourself to, be it something like a noble house you work for, a job organization (Iron Guard, Champions Guild, Crafters Guild), or something like that.
If you get a cool metaplot secret (they tend to come with roster characters and you can +request one if not or if you make an OC), try chasing it down! A ton of my commoner alt hooks came from chasing down his metaplot secret.
I'm quite set on 1) Playing a commoner (Maybe/probably a Courtesan) and 2) Playing an OC. Because I just love a challenge.
Is there an organization for Courtesans? And can I play a male courtesan?
@Goldfish Yes and yes! There's an organization called the Whispers, which are like the best courtesans in all of Arx. And there are totally male courtesans/Whispers. Very egalitarian society.
@Goldfish A friend and I are both Courtesans of the same family. I don't think she'd mind if you finagled an angle as someone in the family.
I seriously miss my courtesan character from ye olden days of forever ago.
If I can get out of my funk, I may give that a shot some time in the coming months. I had a concept for one I really adored on KD, but I never got her on grid. May have to look at if that's wiggle-able into something feasible if the swearing off all the things gives way a bit.
A note about courtesans, as was discussed heavily recently, there is no institutionalized prostitution in Arx at all, so courtesans are not selling sex. They are event planners, host/esses, companions, etc. The description of the receiving room in the Whisper House can be a bit confusing since it says that people occasionally show up thinking it is a brothel. That doesn't happen as there are no brothels. The very idea of a brothel is an alien concept. The description is likely a hold over from very early alpha.
@Ominous The concept I have in mind has precisely zero to do with sex, which is probably why I never got her on grid on KD, but oh, well.