[Request] Interfacing/Indexing Help Files on the Wiki
I know there's a way to link help files to the wiki, so you can edit on the wiki and it shows up in-game. HOW DO I DO THIS? I'm looking as much for the MUX-side setup as the MediaWiki-side stuff. Please, oh please. I know I have friends who know this but I'm actually trying not to be hopelessly incompetent on my own.
@Darinelle IIRC, it's SQL related.
I meant to post an update to Chime's code, but ran out of steam. Soon.
@Thenomain - it's unlikely I'll care about this extremely deeply until I'm back from vacation, but I wanted to get the question out there. In any case, I'm grateful for whatever information I can get. I hate not knowing all the things, especially surrounding this stuff.