Angle @Marvel:1963
So, usually if someone disappears, there's a hint it's coming. There was none here. One day he and his alts just stopped logging on. His alts there are Tommy and Marie-Ange.
We don't think he has an account here but if anyone should know who the player is and has contact info, there's a bunch of people who are concerned. Thanks.
Best case scenario (I used to do this in highschool), he's got an extremely busy lifestyle and drops in and out of social commitments. I had a 20 hour workweek and classes. I'm not saying that's what it is, that's just a nod to hoping.
@Chet Don't think so, really. Some added detail since someone might know someone who had the same circumstances by a different name.
He just moved. However, he was logging on during it and got his computer all set up. At the same time, he went to a convention. He was logging on from the con itself just to say hi and report on it. Then the con ended, he was home again then... nothing.
Also this is one of those insane people who actually use their phone to MUSH when away from the computer, so he'd regularly phone-connect just to shoot the shit.
So yeah, worried
Do you know what con it was? Even if someone doesn't necessarily know the player by this description, some con networks are pretty tight; you may catch the attention of another poster here who may know someone they could ask if the circumstances sound familiar.
I don't do cons these days, but the husband does a few, and I'd be happy to ask him if this sounds like anyone he knows if the con is one he does. (I think he was doing Anime Next most recently.)
Megacon, apparently.
Okay, player is male. At least part Puerto Rican. And the con was Megacon in Orlando.
He's played on several comic Mu*s and seems to favor the less well known characters such as Tarot.
It is quite possible that he perhaps realized/felt he was spending too much time MUing and decided to quit cold turkey, or got a girlfriend or something and re-prioritized.
Maybe started a new relationship and his priorities shifted.