Pay-to-be-better style? Or can one git gud without paying actual money?
You can get anything without paying actual money. You play the solo "adventures" to learn the game and get enough cards/leaders to play an 'okay' deck (personally, I'd put at least $10 in at this point to get some 'kegs' -- packs of 5 cards -- to fill out before you start playing competitively, but you don't have to. It'll just slow down your start if you don't).
Then you play casual or ranked matches, and as you win rounds-- and even if you have a bad deck you'll win some-- you'll get rewards. Ore, scraps, and at certain milestones, kegs. Ore is the in-game currency to buy kegs (for 100 ore), or to buy into the Arena mode (for 150 kegs) which guarantees at least, even if you lose all matches, 1 keg as a reward.
You can also get ore for doing your daily quests (win X matches with Y faction is common). Right now there's an event going on, Monsters vs Idont'rememberwho, so every win I get as my monster deck for this month is added up and I'll get rewards from that too. Every 'season' (month) there's such an event.
I'm rank 17 now in ranked play, where I'm winning about 1/3 to 1/2my matches, but more then enough to get at least 2 kegs a day without any money. I alternate based on mood putting my ore into kegs or into arena tickets-- arena mode* can be fun but frustratingly random.
Scraps are rewards for winning rounds and milestones, but also there's a mill button which will reduce 'extra' cards to scraps. You can craft any card in the game from scraps. Most gold/silver cost 800, whereas most bronzes are 80. You get 20 scraps for milling a bronze card, 50 for milling silver, 200 for milling gold.
Why mill? Because the rules of gwent say you can only, in any given deck, have one copy of a gold or silver card, and no more then 3 bronze copies. And you can use your cards in as many decks as you want, so as you get cards via RNG on the kegs, eventually you will get some that are just to waste. Or you may hate one faction (I'll never play a blue deck so I don't mind milling my blue golds to get my new consume deck going).
And even if you're really bad at it, from second-round-passing you'll likely win enough to get your daily first tier rewards until you get a better deck.
The other currency is meteorite dust, which is scarcer, which is used to upgrade standard cards to premium cards. The only difference between standard and premium is premium are animated. I find dust rewards are much more rare then ore/scrap rewards, which I expect is them monetizing the look-and-feel over gameplay, which I like.
EDIT TO ADD: *I forgot to add my footnote
Arena mode is where you buy in for $1.99 or 150 ore, and you build a deck. You're presented with 4 cards at a time, drawn from the entire collection (not the cards you own), and you pick a card at a time. You can't really make a planned deck this way because there's no telling what the cards are, but you can sorta adapt if you pay attention. There's no timelimit here. Once you have your full deck-- which does not follow the normal rules of max 4 golds/max 6 silvers and no duplicates of golds or silvers-- you get to play it against other people. You play max 9 matches, or until 3 losses. No matter what you will earn at least a keg, but if you win even one you'll get a keg plus some of the other currency.
I'll go play ranked until I get 150 ore, then go play arena until I get what I get, open a keg, go play ranked again, in an endless cycle of kegs-and-ore-and-cards with no real money.