@thenomain said in Hello MSBites! Grade your administrators.:
Knowing who will and won't escalate (i.e., me and Coin, respectively) is useful in this hobby.
What's also useful in the hobby though at least in this context is understanding there are other needs than our own. I do appreciate people being able to handle themselves and not being put off by personal or aimed negativity, but that's not a universal experience. There are those who can't do so, and there are also even more of those who won't.
So yes, we could move things around and we have. The problem then then becomes that the onus is exclusively on administration and there's no real consequence for violating the forum rules. General You can just attack people and the worst case scenario is that the post gets shoved under the Hog Pit carpet.
I'd like nothing more than to treat people like adults, but they need to behave like it, too. Since that's wishful thinking we need tangible policies on how to best handle it when, and not if, the opposite happens as well as to discourage it in the future.
I'm certainly open to suggestions - I just don't think moving the posts (which is what we've been doing, sort of, since nodebb doesn't facilitate it as much as we'd want) is a better approach than deleting them which at the very least sends a message.