@lordbelh http://wiki.roadtoamber.com/setting-summary This is the best page. It summarizes the game. It's very easy to make a character, and I am happy to hand-hold.
People Who Want to RP With Other People
@lordbelh http://wiki.roadtoamber.com/setting-summary This is the best page. It summarizes the game. It's very easy to make a character, and I am happy to hand-hold.
Worth mentioning: a character not knowing anything about Amber or the setting is actually totally in theme for an Amber game. The protagonist of the first five -- er, I mean "only good" -- books starts off completely ignorant of the larger world and thinks he's just an ordinary guy on 1960s Earth, and a recurring motif throughout the series is "person who thinks he knows his or her place in the world is shown the larger Amber universe."
Just don't be amnesiac. 'Cause that is so played.
there's a fastplay option that lets you play without chargenning. you start as an amnesiac and can explore the grid that way and make in character connections and build your sheet/understanding that way.
I guess I could log in sometime and threaten to eat people.
@Luna I keep telling you that you should