Saving Pages to the Database
I was under the impression that all of the codebases have it available (or have it default:on), but it isn't used because if it was left on it fill up the DB quickly.
@Ghost It's been a few years since I've run a Penn game, but last I knew there was no ability to save pages to the DB or snoop live as Seamus describes. You could turn on command logging for everyone or set people SUSPECT, but that stuff all went to a text log file on disk.
Ares presently has no SUSPECT flag, but it logs all commands (from everyone) except for pages/channels/poses (and a few other private things like passwords) to the text debug log on disk. Channels are saved to the DB for channel/recall and web portal chat. Poses are saved to the DB if you have scene logging enabled. Individual players can currently log pages they receive in a very limited fashion for abuse reporting.
Can't speak to the other codebases.