Politics and Debates/Reviews Unlocked and Unhidden
A few of you have probably noticed that the category formerly called the Hog Pit has been unlocked, as well as the Politics board.
A few of you might have also noticed that these are no longer hidden by default. That's not an accident. That's intentional. After review, we decided that keeping parts of the board secret/hidden was not something that we wanted to do.
Very shortly, I'll be putting up an announcement post showing you how to opt out of seeing these (or any other) boards if you don't wish to participate in them.
Please keep in mind, though, that the prior Rules of Engagement for these boards no longer apply. The Code of Conduct now applies to all parts of the forum, at all times.
Reviews and Debates can still get a bit heated. That's expected, and we won't be trying to change that. But be aware that personal attacks and general mud-slinging to get a reaction are no longer allowed there. You don't have to agree. You can even argue. But it needs to stay above-board and on topic.