Jan 15, 2016, 1:47 PM

@Alzie said:

@Cirno I would play on fading suns Kancolle. Sure, I can do that. Also, I am surprised that you haven't brought up Schwarzesmarken.

Ooh, actually this isn't the Fading Suns game, although that's coming out soon. This is the game that started out being a Frozen-World War 2 game and is now an Alternate Universe Fantasy Historical Fiction game.

Instead of Not!Germany using Junkers JU88 bombers and Admiral Scheer pocket battleships, we have huge dragons with crew cabins, bombs, and gun turrets strapped to their bodies, and KanColle style flesh-and-blood battleships.

It's also a thrilling meditation on government policy. Admittedly, @Songtress wasn't too interested in that part, but then she either subconsciously absorbed it or got interested in the idea, which is nice.