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The Kumicho of MSB. MU*ing since 2005. Cis-bisexual black man. Nice to meet you.
WARNING: User may also be a female Japanese frost fairy.
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My maternal grandfather was a Sub-Saharan African male with jet-black skin. He married a half-White, half-Native American woman, producing my mother and her sisters.
My maternal grandfather's ancestors were also Sub-Saharan Africans who were put on a ship and taken against their will into slavery.
I don't know about my maternal grandmother's family, other than that they were bigots who disowned my maternal grandmother for marrying a black man.
Therefore, my mother is half-black. She is lighter in color than myself, but she identifies as black, after a lifetime of being called The Black Girl, at the insurance company she worked for.
My father's family are all 100% Indians from India. They were all Indian peasants who grubbed in the dirt. I don't really care about them; they more or less disowned my father for marrying a non-Indian woman.
Indians: so racist.
I have no exciting ancestors; I am not descended from Jesse James or Washington.
I am the child of slaves and peasants.
I identify as a black person because I have dark skin, plump lips, a large nose, and when White people or East Asian people are angry at me, they call me "Nigger".
So. I am one of the black WORA Members, along with @goldfish .
I like blonde white females and east asian females; let's get that outta the way so we can move on.
Considering how openly hostile White Americans have been (and, to a certain extent, still are) towards Afro-Americans, I understand the Black Female's frustration with the Black Male's fascination with his (supposed) Enemy.
300 years of slavery and 100+ years of segregation, et al., make a very convincing argument on their behalf. I mean, why should we want to ally ourselves with people who once peeled our skins off while we were still alive, hung us by our necks, and many other things that don't bear thinking about?
However, the Official Story is that all of those things happened In The Past
, and, therefore, We Should Not Mention Them
Here are some videos by a black woman that explain these concepts.
She also explains why mixed-race people are A Threat To Society.
Amusingly, she also did a six-part video series concerning the danger East Asian females pose towards Black females, but Youtube took it down. Sadface.
@Chime said:
Though I will always have a very soft spot for tall, blonde, athletic women.
According to some black women, tall blonde athletic white women are The Face Of Evil Itself.
I'm no Christian, but, apparently, according to our black sisters, Satan Herself is a white woman.
I've been teaching myself to draw.
I'm also fulfilling my creative writing itch by writing fanfiction.
@Alzie said:
@cirno and @deadculture Cirno has a host, Cirno need only ask.
Much obliged.
Hey, do you want to play with my African Alternate Universe FS game?
You can roll a black woman with large breasts who is a Space Admiral. (Just a suggestion.)
@ThatOneDude said:
@Cirno said:
Some trivia:
In my 25 years, I have had the racial epithet "nigger" directed at me by:
- Whites
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Hispanics
- Native Americans
Yes, I am, in fact, keeping score. I am indeed one of those Tremendously Bitter Black People who sincerely believe that other races are openly hostile to us.
Wow, WTF... No black people tossed that word at you? I'm not black and I get called nigga on the DAILY.
"nigga" != "Nigger".
One is an endearing term (that should be phased out).
The other is a hateful racial slur.
Also, I hope to god you don't use the word "nigga" . Like, at all. Ever.
Non-blacks who use the term need to have their shit slapped hard.
You don't have a lot of black friends, or you would know this.
@Ghost said:
I once played a Star Wars game where a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter walked around in designer blue jeans, a tee shirt that read something like Mandos Do It Best, and had a vast assortment of lip gloss colors.
Canonically, Sabine Wren from Disney's Star Wars Rebels is like this.
However, this may only underline to you just how much Disney has wrecked the canon.
@Luna said:
@ThatOneDude Everyone knows brown people don't have jobs. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Oh wait, I'm white so I do.
White people have made me so afraid to compliment a black woman on anything. It's racist to mention hair or skin or anything. I gave up. I listen to my hip hop loud, I tell a girl when her weave is amazing and that I'm jelly how certain colors look sooooo good against their skin.
Aside from the racism factor, there is another reason why black women would be hostile towards you.
Certain Black women are bitterly angry at you and your white female compatriots for 'stealing their men'. They believe there is a secret Conspiracy among white females to interpose themselves between the black woman and the black male.
Ironically, white males think the same thing. They call it "Miscegenation", instead of "stealing black men", however, but it accounts to the same thing.
I have always said that black women and white males should form a Consortium of some sort; with the goal in mind of Preventing Black Men From Attaching Themselves To White Females.
@surreality said:
@Cirno said:
Well, that escalated quickly.
I wonder if anyone told that guy that he could have just gone to Shang or Taps or FS if he was desirous of that.
In all seriousness? He does.
On Shang, he asks for consent for a scene with certain parameters that are reasonable, gets it, and then proceeds to do something that vaguely follows that format but goes so far beyond what was asked for and granted permission that I know of at least two instances of players either having to call in support from faction/establishment authority figures of some kind or disconnect to avoid him, since if you point out that he's gone beyond what he has permission for (which will be by miles, not inches), he will immediately accuse you of creating drama, going back on your word, and being unreasonable. Never mind that the other player was asked, "You cool with a scene where you're tied to a chair and teased?" and what was then posed involved engaging setting NPCs (not under his control) to aid in tearing her apart and raping her character to death with demonic weirdness and brutal, mutilating torture and gore. He doesn't see anything wrong with this.
(I was the poor fucker who ran the establishment where he tried this who had to look over the logs I was sent in case the player needed IC assistance or asked if we could use the code we had for the business to ban him from the premises.)
This is not the kind of player this hobby needs, but... yeah, in terms of escalating quickly? So much 'unfortunately, yes, pretty much that.' Just not how one would expect. Basically, he found a whole new way to be abusive and horrible even with what the standards of behavior are for Shang.
I started out being merely shocked and appalled at this guy's behavior.
Now I'm just completely horrified.
People like him are partially why I left Shang. I have run into so many versions of that guy. I began to consider myself lucky when a scene actually went through the way it was described. While I'm good at spontaneous RP, you can count on me not to get tremendously weird, to stop when requested without taking it personally, and other basic forms of respect towards the other player.
Furthermore, my scenes always go exactly as I describe.
I also got real sick and tired of people on Shang who like gruesome, gory stuff like that. I can recall numerous people who enjoy things like that approaching me, and then guilt-shaming me with "But no one else likes this!"
Either they're lying, or they are actually one person with thousands of alts. I go to Shang to get away from playing at all the mutilation and death in the Medieval War and WoD games I play, not to have more of the same.
I've got no particular objection to RP'ing out one of my characters drinking horse semen, unless we are on a game where TS is forbidden. Like, if @Ghost respectfully asked me to bring my female character over to their place to drink a mug of horse jizz from their giant throbbing horsecock, I'd say, "Sure."
We'd be like this:
That doesn't mean people should be bugging other female players who aren't amused by that particular set of fetishes, however.
@DnvnQuinn said:
@Cirno said:
@DnvnQuinn said:
@Cirno said:
Watching people purposefully put themselves through all kinds of mental gymnastics to try to purposefully misinterpret the BLM movement is fun, especially when they blather on about unrelated nonsense for several paragraphs and think that will fool anyone but a baby.
Their message comes through, clear as a bell:
I am upset that black people are doing things!
It can be reduced even further:
I am upset about black people!
These are probably the same people who think that "/Lazy/ Illegal Aliens are stealing our /Jobs/..."
They probably also think the law enforcement officers are doing a good job, and that shooting an unarmed black man twenty times is a cool bean.
People who are against BLM are just....ugh.
I'm for BLM, but against that subgroup who are using it to segregate colleges and harassing white people for being white (being white automatically makes you racist to some of them). It's a very fine edge to walk...It's hard too to be for something and against something in different ways. Especially because it's hard for me to put my feelings down in writing, it always comes out wrong.
There are lots of white people in BLM, though.
I don't condone the harassment, but one should consider the following: a number of white people have been harassing black people for being black for centuries, now, and little was done in the way of prevention.
In fact, they are still doing it. Some of them conceal their racism under a polite mask of pretending to be offended by "tone", or implying that a black person is being "disrespectful", or "divisive", or "offensive", whatever the hell that means, or just generally being as contrarian and disapproving where black people are concerned - disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.
Academics have dubbed this pathological sort of behavior as "microaggression".
@Ashen-Shugar said:
@Lithium said:
Is it possible to at least be able to block someone from chatting with you? I don't need @Cirno spamming my chat box with him cursing me and typing that he's grabbing his cock. That'd be awesome because I'd really just rather not read it at all.
He probably still assumes you're a guy.
No, actually, this is what I told her.
whispers Fuck you, Lithium.
Oh, yeah. DOWNVOTE THIS [grabs dick]
I don't need to be in the thread to tell you where to stick it. Suck it, Trebek! Suck my diiiiiiiiiiiick! burp
Wubba-lubba-dub-dub, bitches! Lick-lick-lick my balls!
@Ghost said:
Anyone remember this story? Conservative Christian would-be Congressman by day, blood-sucking coke of whores asses badass vampire by night?
Yes. I was sad he didn't make it to the seat of power.
@Gingerlily said:
This is just an advertisement for gun control. Another nope.
I have guns and swords. Maybe I should give it a try.
Edit: I'm kidding. I have little wish to be shot by the police.
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@Alzie said:
Docker basically runs a mini-vm on your machine which sets up a service for you so that you don't have individually manage the service and setup yourself. In this case, it installs a working pennmush game with my Mu2 for you and Mysql already connected (MariaDB is the mysql server), already setup so that all you have to do is put in what port you want to use and run it.
Holy shit that's cool. Good work, @Alzie. Ya did great. I bet it was hard, too.
You have brought us closer to the ideal of a Mu* in-a-box.
I listen to Italian and Japanese Eurobeat.
It's mostly Italian produced for a Japanese audience, but some Japanese made a few Eurobeat tracks as well.
These are Italian Eurobeat tracks.
The lyrics are hilariously poignant even though it sounds like random engrishu.
Come over me! And forget your misery!
I'm fascinated tonight, shooting the breeze with you...cause I want you!
@Ghost said:
@Arkandel said:
As for that teenager, didn't she have parents or someone with custody who could intervene? That's pretty disturbing because at least the others were adults and could make their own choices.
The teenager is kind of an epic all in her own. The basic is that her father lived in a LARPHOUSE with her. Picture a crack house with stinky, unwashed people and a kitchen with stacked dirty dishes. People sleep 2-3 to a room and people pay rent on couch space. Dad moved daughter into the LARP house, and since he wanted to LARP, he got the LARPERS to allow her to LARP. Since daughter was 16-17, skinny, quasi-attractive, this led to a lot of overweight nerds referring to her as their little sister, trying to steer her into what they knew best, and her sitting on their laps while roleplaying vampires. THIS I saw first-hand, and Dad did nothing about it because he didn't want to rock the boat with his roommates and risk getting kicked out of the LARP that took place at his flophouse.
Eventually, daughter started sleeping with some 22 year old LARPer who lived at the flophouse. Dad got mad but didn't pursue charges. The people who owned the house sided with the 22 year old, supported the daughter for emancipation. After the teenager was emancipated, Dad was kicked out of the house, and the girl bonked uglies with that 22 year old for a while.
Fucked. Up. People.
Was that a larphouse or a traphouse? It sounds more like a traphouse.
1990's Hardcore Techo.
En-RAGE / Why Don't You (Still Love Me Now)
@Thenomain said:
I thought Lords & Ladies games were sort of like classifying things "science fantasy". I never thought of calling L&L games "historically-themed", unless they also have a historical theme.
I live and learn.
Most L&L games are set in timeframes with historical trappings: BoD, GoB, RoA, to name a few off the top of my head.
There are anomalies like Star Crusade and The Fifth World, but by and large they are mostly set in Medieval Not-Europe, and populated by Medieval White Not-Europeans.
Realms of Adventure is hilarious in its racial homogeneity; look at the Character page on its wiki, it's like looking at a white sheet of paper.
That is a blog about black people in Medieval Europe...