Paradox Buys White Wolf, All Included.
@ThatGuyThere said:
reads the thread and then chuckles
Wow if this keeps up WoD edition wars will be almost as amusing as watching people complain about which version of comic continuity is the best.Whoa now, let's not say things we can't take back.
Y'know, I don't think I've seen any discussion about the WoD editions devolve into Wars. Mind you, I've only seen the comparison and people offer preferences on Soapbox, and we know that we're pretty reasonable about our likes and dislikes.
@tragedyjones narrows eyes whispers I hope you step on a lego, nuclear Ghandi.
For the WoD Stuff, no concrete answers yet. Onyx Path is still working on them, but they may be immaterial.
It depends. In the local LARP/TT circles people still act like White Wolf stabbed them in the goddamn liver, 10 years later.
Oi. -
Another new interview.
Sjögren: [...] Personally I look forward to see how the metaplot will connect all the great IPs from Vampire to Werewolf, Mages and Changelings and see that evolve over time without diluting the individual strengths of the very different games. But I’m actually most excited about learning more about the live action aspect of the IP which, even though I am well aware of the phenomena (it’s a pretty big deal in Sweden right now) have never before fully participated in.
Looks like people who like the nWoD system and oWoD metaplot-stuff will be getting something closer to what they like.