Organization resources
You guys play a lot of organization and faction based games, right? How do you handle organization resources? I was thinking of ideas for PCs to build an organization from the ground up where they could forgo material rewards for quests in order to earn vague tokens or something that they could give to an organization, then the organization could spend said tokens for specific quests to secure specific things like a home base/space ships/NPC mooks to hang out and sharpen knives with.
IE 3 PCs do a PrP that goes pretty well, and instead of getting piles of dosh, each chooses a Token (their donating paydata/loot to the organization or whatever), then when the org has, say 10 tokens, they can get together and clear out a base, buy a bacta tank with a droid, whatever as part of an organization quest.
Does this sound too grindy? I was hoping it would be a way to encourage PrPs rather than having people idle around.
@SG said:
You guys play a lot of organization and faction based games, right? How do you handle organization resources? I was thinking of ideas for PCs to build an organization from the ground up where they could forgo material rewards for quests in order to earn vague tokens or something that they could give to an organization, then the organization could spend said tokens for specific quests to secure specific things like a home base/space ships/NPC mooks to hang out and sharpen knives with.
IE 3 PCs do a PrP that goes pretty well, and instead of getting piles of dosh, each chooses a Token (their donating paydata/loot to the organization or whatever), then when the org has, say 10 tokens, they can get together and clear out a base, buy a bacta tank with a droid, whatever as part of an organization quest.
Does this sound too grindy? I was hoping it would be a way to encourage PrPs rather than having people idle around.
You are essentially talking about giving people "org experience" where what they do gets them experience that can only be invested into the org.
It's not bad, but it can get kind of dicey given how much MUers freeze/find themselves in discord with each other about what an org is about, etc.
I've been fussing around looking at a few different things, from using very basic basic (single shared merit) type things through implementing something like Angel uses. Dragon Age (the tabletop version) actually has some very good rules that would probably adapt well to futuristic stuff just as well as it does fantasy. Both systems would requite adaptation regardless of what you're using, though.
That said, the provided example sounds like a very good plan. It's the development of a new system (as @Coin said, it's just a different experience reward track that you're calling something else (tokens), but it's been proven that's a good way to motivate specific behaviors. If there's a specific shiny people can earn, a lot of folks will chase it just to have it.
My only concern about it might be the spreading out of the playerbase across multiple orgs. Now, if it was say, groups within an organization that had reason to work together and not just be 'my own peeps,' it might be more viable. -
Yeah, I have an Edge of the Empire game in mind and would probably tie these tokens to obligation in some way.
I think an opposite mechanism is more feasible.
I have played shadowrun for a very long time and our primary target are Organizations.
Doing something against getting them too big prevents an escalation.anyhow this is tallied every month balance is made up.
This works for NPC orgs, however I am not certain this same model is applicable to player orgs