This guy was pretty well seen through the 2000's working on stuff. Has anyone seen him about lately or have a contact email?
Coder: Dahan
This guy was pretty well seen through the 2000's working on stuff. Has anyone seen him about lately or have a contact email?
What did he code? Because I at least never head of him.
A lot of Star Wars related stuff. You can find his stuff on mushcode repositories. Did work on all the SAGA star Wars Games out there.
I think he's one of the staffers on Generations of Darkness. He coded DSS (the +sheet code used on Age of Alliances and Serenity MU), and pretty much all of the code used for SAGA games.
Alas, he is not on Generations of Darkness as an admin or otherwise. If wishing made it so though..
You can occasionally find Dahan on M*U*S*H.
What name does he go under on MUS*H?
Dahan or Gizka, I can't recall which one, was on Generations of Darkness for a time. If memory serves.
Edit: I should clarify that, as mentioned, if my memory is correct it was in the capacity as a player. Not as a staffer/coder. Then again with all the strange names, it's possible I got the individual mixed up with a different past staffer on a different game.