Me waiting to see if people figure out the name:
MU Things I Love
No one should feel bad. I didn't get it myself until Cris-player pointed it out.
Then I melted into a puddle of:
When people come up with out of the box ideas and then let me be a part of them.
When you dangle a character flaw out there up for grabs and someone totally calls you out on it and takes a bite.
Yes. Give me all the consequences, please.
When a brainstorming convo turns into an @action that amuses the shit out of me.
Walking into a scene with high hopes but a little nervousness because it's gonna be with strangers aside from the fuckin' AWESOME person who organized the whole thing (<3!!!), and then having those hopes exceeded in every way possible.
Just like, CRAZY great RP that happens in a very novel way, shocking revelations that somehow fit your character and the other characters perfectly and leave so much to dig into, the realization that you just made new instant game buddies...
What a great night, I am going to be gushing for weeks
I'm not jealous. You're jealous.
@Wizz said in MU Things I Love:
What a great night, I am going to be gushing for weeks
If it's longer than four hours, please see a doctor, sugar.
I think, right now, I just love the fact that MU* exists so I can pretend to be a beautiful badass swordmaiden out of Heavy Metal instead of raging (impotently) against the dying of the light in my life right now.
Having one of the people whos poses you most appreciate tell you they like your writing feels really nice.
The person who picked up Norwood's daughter Adalyn is amazing. Could not have asked for a better draw.
Soooooo good.
@silverfox said in MU Things I Love:
The person who picked up Norwood's daughter Adalyn is amazing. Could not have asked for a better draw.
I temporarily forgot where I was, and with zero context that sounded like a kidnapping-gone-wholesome and I was very, very confused. Carry on.
Friends who write descs for you are the best kinds of friends.
@Sunny said in MU Things I Love:
Friends who write descs for you are the best kinds of friends.
Ty ty
Having fun in a PRP run by someone who can both pepper a few surprises, and also keep things flowing. Bonus if you don't know the people in the scene, but everybody is super chill and engaging, and you get new hooks for RP through the shared experience.
You wouldn't hug me during the event and free hugs were handed out. Also you missed the swooning.
Just hug Norwood next time you see him. He will respond with appropriate awkwardness. He really is a softie, but has REASONS for being stuff in formal settings.