@Derp I haven't played on MUDs in a long while so maybe this is why. In smaller groups you end up getting a lot more leeway. Oddly enough you also see a whole lot less special snowflake crap in spite of the fact that you have a whole lot more license to be a special snowflake; it's paradoxical, almost

Posts made by BroadStreetBully
RE: Ideas you got from works of fiction
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
@Tinuviel the opening post. Caring about "representation" in this context is the domain of people with an ax to grind. I've had some very negative experiences with people who bring this sort of topic up and I've had very few positive ones.
RE: Ideas you got from works of fiction
@Derp I mean to a degree aren't all of the World of Darkness games supposed to be like this? In Vampire you play a blood guzzling cannibal, in Werewolf you play a spirit-addled lunatic with violent anger issues, and in Mage you play someone who took too many red pills and is consequently a psychopathic megalomaniac, yet in all of these you have compelling reasons to be this way and aren't just Pure Evil (tm)
RE: Diversity Representation in MU*ing
I specifically avoid games run by people who harp on about this sort of thing. Please don't do this. It really hurts your reputation.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
It isn't so hard to find RP, but most of it is found elsewhere. The MU* world is kind of petering out.
Ideas you got from works of fiction
Post ideas you got from works of fiction. I started an Awakening 2e game that was inspired by Blade Runner 2049. You can still read the writeup, but I had to shutter that game when my father died this Summer.
What works of fiction have you aped, and how, and why?