Khanne and Lianne, Lianne and Khanne. KhanneP purchased a print, so they'll both get one!
@ominous Second season it getting picked up by Netflix. It is quite understated.
I've watched a lot of stuff.
This one is the best.
And there's a new season coming to Netflix.
It might be effecting my artwork.
I'm not sorry.
ETA: It's Bee and Puppcat. You can find it on the Youtubes.
@tek aaahhhhhh these are so well executed!!! Those colors....!
@ganymede you're like santa claws.
(I am still very much enjoying it, life has just been very messy and mostly in a good way, just ... messy.)
Since this is basically my job now, I figure it's safe to put here.
The kids are in school full time and my schedule has a routine, though it's been bumpy this last month: my daughter wasn't getting enough sleep and we were all getting up at 5am, so we switched for about ten days to taking her to school. Now she's decided she didn't mind the other way, so she'll go to bed earlier, etc, long story short, I do not handle abrupt schedule changes well, my work schedule with Drawing Cats has gone straight to the Bad Place.
I found two stacks of finished, unsent cats that I could have sworn were scanned and sent and neither happened. I have several orders that are unfinished but I've talked to them and they are wonderfully, amazingly understanding, my scanner/printer is AMAZING and if it had legs it could walk my dogs and train them to dance, but the software is SO NEW and CONSTANTLY UPDATED that it takes an hour and by then my tenuous hold on my sleep schedule goes to crap because if I get less than seven hours, everyone has a bad day the next morning.
We are back on the old(er) schedule, things are going to smooth out again, I will reclaim my six plus hour days to do nothing but art (and keep puppies from eating shoes because dear god we bought our son three pairs of shoes in the last 7 days I shit you not) and finally finish the big Arx Gods as Cats calendar and seriously consider making a tarot deck from the resource of characters I've made since March.
I love you guys. Please bear with me. I'm super sorry I'm a chaotic nuclear art spaz.
@testament I mean I'm really happy with it. 3 black cats of a distinctive personality and shade and I somehow managed to pull it off. GO ME! Also, my first wild customer from Etsy!
@wildbaboons she got him with an -arrow-. I read the log. Glorious.
@roz I didn't want to name the cats but feel free!
Five Paladins and a Brand: A Scene From The Silent War
(I'm offering prints of these )
ETA: from counter clockwise starting with the OOF! cat: Ainsley, Killian bleeding on the floor, Leola with the bow, Aleksei biting, Juliet taking a swipe. Big eldritch horror cat is Brand the Buttface.
Heeeeyyy I'm getting better at family portraits! Kudos to ReignaP, she gave me just enough details for me to have everyone doing a thing that fit. Hurray!
Watching plot and story and scenes you helped create spread through the game via journals and messengers and events. That's cool as fuck.
I really love drawing ... uh. Things. Stuff. Yeah.