@Runescryer Oh, I'm totally with you about the road to hell and good intentions. There were a lot of things I feel that Gamma One did well, and that I'm proud to have been a part of... and I can also promise you very few of them have to do with reports (Stories like the one from @Three-Eyed-Crow make me want to throw something sharp through the nearest temporal vortex...)
With that said, I think there might be value for @goodstarbuck in looking at some the intended benefits, and trying to craft something that captures some of these without repeating the mistakes we made (not making RFD a 'mandatory before you can do anything' step is probably a good start).
Here's what I see as some of the ideals of what we were going for with +reports:
- Provide new players with a structured first few activities to get them engaged
- Provide an IC way for multiple people to track research on a topic (and for other people to view that research)
- Provide an IC way for people to 'tell their story' of plot events
- Provide a way for staff to know what information players are 'officially' sharing.
- Allow plot continuity in the event of a player absence
- Provide a continual source of RP hooks beyond hanging out in the bar/holodeck/fitness center.
- Allow players a way to express interest in engaging with a particular ongoing plot