@HelloProject Your question about MUSHcode reminds me of my ex. She's a 3D modeler working on government projects that use software primarily designed for terrain modeling. She makes buildings with it.
Their interns from the local university are flabbergasted at how different it is from the Maya/3DS Max (or whatever they're using now), which is intended more for modeling discrete structures. The ones who last beyond the internship are the ones who have learned 3D modeling, not just 3DS Max.
It's similar with code. If you just approach it as "I use if() to match the results of an attribute, and you pull attributes with get()," then all you're learning is MUSH code. You might be able to occasionally apply that knowledge elsewhere, but it's a crapshoot.
If you approach it by trying to figure out what it is you want to accomplish, and then analyzing the tools at your disposal, you'll get more out of it. Sure, until you get something else to use it will be hard to find out if you're "doing it right." But practicing symbolic logic, making project diagrams, putting comments in your code originals, these things build skills at coding vis-a-vis merely having skill at MUSHcode.
FWIW MUSHes taught me that I so don't want to be a programmer. I'd say I'm 50/50 at coding vs just MUSHcoding. So... grain of salt and all that.