@Songtress said in [LF Staff] Original Fae-based High-Fantasy MUSH:
Can Fate have more than one aspect? ( But yeah My dreams of a Fae game, with winged 'normal sized' people Fae are coming TRUE!) & Bonds? YES ( Are you sure you're not inside my head?
A fae only has one aspect, but is capable of learning any kind of magick. From Earthly to Forbidden, it's somewhat of a hierarchy. Theoretically, it starts at the most obvious concepts (water, plants, rocks) and moves towards the more esoteric concepts (emotions, time, void, etc.). The idea is, the closer two aspects are on the chart, the more similar or easy to learn they are.
Oh, yeah, I really liked the idea of Bonds. Especially with the ways it interacts in a MU* setting, where you have, say, IC channels for Guilds and such. I had an idea for a mechanic that basically implements a +phone-like command, but that relies on Emotion Fae serving as 'operators', temporarily constructing low-powered artificial bonds for temporary long-distance communications. But, uh, still not sure on that one.
Real bonds can let Fae share power, offers a portion of empathy, and the benefit of mental communication, and possibly other things!
So if fae are not born (in the human sense), combining essenaces to produce new fae-- happens how? Over a flower? some rituals? Something ( though that Tinkerbell vibe I kind of like, that reproduction isn't sex , and pregnancy, and blood, sweat and tears)
Ah, yeah, this concept! I like the idea of keeping it somewhat vague, because I expect people will see the idea differently depending on how they play their character or what Tribe or Clan they belong to. Generally speaking, the process of a new fae coming into the world is called Sprouting, and a child is usually referred to as a sproutling until adolescence.
It's not based on strict gender roles, but rather, someone contributes a special physical vessel created with their magick, and someone else contributes their energy to the vessel. If you imagine two Nature fae, one might weave an acorn, and the other would bless it. The vessel gets planted (even for non-Nature fae), and after a while, a little tree will grow and produce a fruit (consider it like an egg!). And, eventually, it'll ripen (or hatch, basically), and there you have it!
As far as "genetics" are concerned, the sproutling usually physically takes after whoever creates the vessel, and will usually be of the same aspect as whoever contributes their essence. Of course, sometimes, for no reason at all, you'll get something different, but that's up to the players! A sproutling does resemble both of its parents, it's just that physically, it'll "take after" whichever parent created the physical vessel. Similarly, a regardless of which aspect the sproutling comes out as, it'll always be inherently good at the same kinds of magick that match its parents.
How does Fae and Human civilization interact? Do they?
Humans don't exist! But, because of time-space anomalies and such, it is possible that for them to accidentally wind up in the world. I thought about it for a future plot in the game, but ICly speaking, most Fae wouldn't know what a human is.
Do Unknown clans become 'known' once enough of them are born?
Oh, right! I probably didn't explain that well enough, considering I mainly smooshed together a bunch of +news files from the game. It's more a historical thing. For many ages, only Earthly, Temperate, and Energetic Fae were really widely known, and interacted with each other to build a civilization. The rest of the Fae tribes were still around, but remained isolated by their own choice, and offered their help to the growing civilization in unseen ways.
So, after a whole bunch of wars with Goblins and such, the "Unknown" Fae began to come out into the open, and started to integrate into society. It was hard on everyone for a while, but eventually, equality was reached for all, which starts the setting of the MUSH. I really liked the idea of setting the game in a new age where all different sorts of Fae live together in a Golden Age. Basically, all Fae are "Known" now. 
Can unknown clans pop back up from two Fae of Known clans? (If Mother is Fire and Father is Water Aspected, , can the child be Sun or Moon? ( ATLA/ATLK references).
Yup! This is an age where weird stuff is happening, and strange anomalies are popping up everywhere. Sometimes, it does affect the Sprouting of new Fae.
Are Fae Monarichal? Modern Fae Civilzation means what exactly? In comparison to 'old Fae civilzation?
I'm still working on the Government structure, but basically, it's sorta like England where there is a political figurehead, but mainly things are run by a council and lots of voting, so it's more of a Republic (I think?--political terms are something that I always mixed up!).
Old Fae civilization was completely Tribal, which small groups of similar Fae banding together and keeping to themselves. A formal civilization started to form in the Knowledge Age, when the various Tribes began to share knowledge with one another to better understand themselves and the world around them. This also began trade routes and the like. There were a whole bunch of wars after that with Goblins, primarily, and after that, the "Known" tribes decided to build a centralized city, which eventually was joined by the "Unknown" tribes.
Are humans a known 'thing'?
Not really, or at least, not for now. It's something I'm considering for the future as part of some global plots.
Does Travel to the Pale Pearl, mean ssomething specific?
Celestial Fae colonized portions of the moon in earlier ages, where they do their mysterious celestial things, like naming stars and collecting different kinds of space dust. It also opens the door to the idea of intergalactic travel and exploring other worlds!
Also do I sense a Pacific Islander vibe in the language choice? (My first thought is Polynesian, but I could be wrong it be Maori or something I am not familiar with), which I like, immensely?
Modified Finnish, actually! Some of it also comes from Russian or Swedish, but mostly it uses poorly-translated Finnish as a base.
Fae of different skin and hair colors are a plus.
I've thought about that, too. I feel that because of the variety of Aspects, most race could be emulated by Fae. For example, Water Fae can appear like merfolk, Fire Fae as dragonkin, Nature Fae as ents or anthros, etc. I have an +news file I'm working on for each type of Fae that lists ideas of common appearances and styles of wings.