@mietze said in RL Sads:
The noob is out of PICU. Unfortunately my cousins husband is on a ventilator and not looking good (he probably should have been in hospital earlier but they tried to treat at home with pepsid instead). My cousin is also bedridden and my guess she will be going to the hospital soon. (Their little boy called 911 for his dad, he was transported by ambulence). My aunt caught it as well though since she has chronic leukemia and other issues she qualified for the infusion treatment and is now doing better. Right now the 10 year old is mostly caring for siblings and mom with drop ins by my uncle (my aunt is still too sick to go be with them). Other family members are turning up ill but they're just in a lot of pain and miserable, not hospital bound, yet.
I dont know what to feel. Other than all the Jesus saves just pray, stay strong against the vax bullshit that is spewed in the comments is too much for me to deal with, so I am muting them and asked one of my other cousins to ping me if they actually needed something or if there was a significant update.
I feel like a bitch for just not having more emotion to give but, I guess that's just where I am at.
Wow. I... I don't know what to say to a situation like this. Specially when things look ... well from your picture, it looks bleak. And I am certain no amount of ... well words... can help. But I still feel I should try.
2020 has been pretty brutal, now with the Delta things are getting, admittedly, worse. There comes a point where everything feels like it falls on you, as if you are Atlas attempting to save or salvage or -anything- similar to carrying a huge burden. Thus I feel you should take some time for yourself. Things emotionally drain us, more so if they are people you strongly care about.
Now Im not suggesting you leave everything and let the dices decide. But if you are emotionally drained, you cannot be much help either. You must be well to be able to deal with these things as they come. Family will always be first. And when they hurt or get depressed, we tend to follow suit. Whether because one feels useless or any millenia of reasons, such as not feeling able to do more.
Thus first take care of yourself. You can't aid others if you aren't at one hundred capacity, but at the same time realize we, as humans, can only do so much, even when its family. I hope things get better for you. But I do understand as we have lost people, even neighbors... let us hope for the best. But always prepared for the worst. That's all I can say.